God: A Human History

God: A Human History pdf


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رضا أصلان (بالفارسية: رضا اصلان ، من مواليد 3 مايو 1972) عالم إيراني أمريكي في علم اجتماع الدين ، وكاتب ، ومقدم برامج تلفزيونية. تحول أصلان إلى المسيحية الإنجيلية من الإسلام الشيعي عندما كان شابًا ، وعاد في النهاية إلى الإسلام لكنه استمر في الكتابة عن المسيحية. وقد ألف أربعة كتب عن الدين: لا إله إلا الله: أصول الإسلام وتطوره ومستقبله ، وما وراء الأصولية: مواجهة التطرف الديني في عصر العولمة ، والتعصب: حياة وأزمنة يسوع الناصري ، والله: أ التاريخ البشري.
عمل أصلان في التلفزيون ، بما في ذلك مسلسل وثائقي يستكشف أديان العالم على شبكة سي إن إن بعنوان Believer ، ويعمل كمنتج تنفيذي في المسلسل الدرامي HBO The Leftovers. أصلان عضو في الأكاديمية الأمريكية للدين والجمعية الدولية للدراسات القرآنية. وهو أستاذ الكتابة الإبداعية في جامعة كاليفورنيا ، ريفرسايد وعضو مجلس إدارة المجلس القومي الإيراني الأمريكي (NIAC).

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pdf God: A Human History مجانا للكاتب رضا اصلان

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • The bestselling author of Zealot and host of Believer explores humanity’s quest to make sense of the divine in this concise and fascinating history of our understanding of God.
In Zealot, Reza Aslan replaced the staid, well-worn portrayal of Jesus of Nazareth with a startling new image of the man in all his contradictions. In his new book, Aslan takes on a subject even more immense: God, writ large.
In layered prose and with thoughtful, accessible scholarship, Aslan narrates the history of religion as a remarkably cohesive attempt to understand the divine by giving it human traits and emotions. According to Aslan, this innate desire to humanize God is hardwired in our brains, making it a central feature of nearly every religious tradition. As Aslan writes, “Whether we are aware of it or not, and regardless of whether we’re believers or not, what the vast majority of us think about when we think about God is a divine version of ourselves.”
But this projection is not without consequences. We bestow upon God not just all that is good in human nature—our compassion, our thirst for justice but all that is bad in it: our greed, our bigotry, our penchant for violence. All these qualities inform our religions, cultures, and governments.
More than just a history of our understanding of God, this book is an attempt to get to the root of this humanizing impulse in order to develop a more universal spirituality. Whether you believe in one God, many gods, or no god at all, God: A Human History will challenge the way you think about the divine and its role in our everyday lives.
Praise for God
“Breathtaking in its scope and controversial in its claims, God: A Human History shows how humans from time immemorial have made God in their own image, and argues that they should now stop. Writing with all the verve and brilliance we have come to expect from his pen, Reza Aslan has once more produced a book that will prompt reflection and shatter assumptions.” Bart D. Ehrman, author of How Jesus Became God
“Reza Aslan offers so much to relish in his excellent ‘human history’ of God. In tracing the commonalities that unite religions, Aslan makes truly challenging arguments that believers in many traditions will want to mull over, and to explore further. This rewarding book is very ambitious in its scope, and it is thoroughly grounded in an impressive body of reading and research.” Philip Jenkins, author of Crucible of Faith
"WHEN I WAS A CHILD, I thought God was a large, powerful old man who lived in the sky a bigger, stronger version of my father, but with magical powers. I imagined him handsome and grizzled, his long gray hair draped over his broad shoulders. He sat on a throne enwrapped by clouds. When he spoke, his voice boomed through the heavens, especially when he was angry. And he was often angry. But he was also warm and loving, merciful and kind. He laughed when he was happy and cried when he was sad."

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