Love From A to Z

Love From A to Z pdf


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ساجدة "S.K." علي هي مؤلفة هندية-كندية لكتب الأطفال ، اشتهرت بروايتها الأولى الحائزة على جائزة آسيا / المحيط الهادئ الأمريكية ، Saints & Misfits ، عن جانا يوسف ، وهي محجبة هندية أمريكية تصارع التعرض لاعتداء جنسي من قبل ابن عم صديق لها. مسجدها المحلي ، ولدت علي في جنوب الهند وهاجرت إلى كندا عندما كانت في الثالثة من عمرها ، وكانت اللغة الأولى التي تعلمتها في المدرسة هي الفرنسية ، وكتبت قصتها الأولى في الصف السابع ، وهي حاصلة على شهادة في الكتابة الإبداعية من جامعة يورك. بصرف النظر عن الكتابة ، تعمل علي أيضًا كمدرس وكتبت مقالات لـ Toronto Star ، حيث ذكرت جودي بلوم باعتبارها واحدة من أكبر مصادر إلهامها في حياتها المهنية في الكتابة ، علي مسلمة ملتزمة ، وفي يناير 2017 ، أنشأت هاشتاغ MuslimShelfSpace باسم طريقة لتسليط الضوء على كتب مؤلفين مسلمين آخرين ، تعيش مع عائلتها في تورنتو ، علي صديقة مع زملائها الكتابين أسما زهانات خان وأزما جلال الدين ، أخبر خان أحد المقابلات أنهم يعتبرون أنفسهم أخت القلم ، وأعرب عن تقديره للتعليقات حيث قاموا بمشاركة المسودات المبكرة لعملهم

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A marvel: something you find amazing. Even ordinary-amazing. Like potatoes—because they make French fries happen. Like the perfect fries Adam and his mom used to make together.
An oddity: whatever gives you pause. Like the fact that there are hateful people in the world. Like Zayneb’s teacher, who won’t stop reminding the class how “bad” Muslims are.
But Zayneb, the only Muslim in class, isn’t bad. She’s angry.
When she gets suspended for confronting her teacher, and he begins investigating her activist friends, Zayneb heads to her aunt’s house in Doha, Qatar, for an early start to spring break.
Fueled by the guilt of getting her friends in trouble, she resolves to try out a newer, “nicer” version of herself in a place where no one knows her.
Then her path crosses with Adam’s.
Since he got diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in November, Adam’s stopped going to classes, intent, instead, on perfecting the making of things. Intent on keeping the memory of his mom alive for his little sister.
Adam’s also intent on keeping his diagnosis a secret from his grieving father.
Alone, Adam and Zayneb are playing roles for others, keeping their real thoughts locked away in their journals.
Until a marvel and an oddity occurs…
Marvel: Adam and Zayneb meeting.
Oddity: Adam and Zayneb meeting.
"ON THE MORNING OF SATURDAY, March 14, fourteen-year-old Adam Chen went to the Museum of Islamic Art in Doha. A thirteenth-century drawing of a tree caught his gaze. It wasn’t particularly striking or artistic. He didn’t know why this tree caused him to stride forward as if magnetized. (When he thinks about it now, his guess is thus: Trees were kind of missing in the landscape he found himself in at the time, and so he was hungry for them.) Once he got close, he was rewarded with the name of the manuscript that housed this simple tree sketch: The Marvels of Creation and the Oddities of Existence. He stood there thinking about this grand title for a long moment. Then something clicked in his mind: Maybe that’s what living is— recognizing the marvels and oddities around you. From that day, he vowed to record the marvels he knew to be true and the oddities he wished weren’t. Adam, being Adam, found himself marveling more than ruminating on the weird bits of existing. We pick up his Marvels and Oddities journal on March 7, four years after that Saturday at the Museum of Islamic Art. Eighteen now, Adam is a freshman in college, but it’s important to know that he has stopped going to classes two months ago. He has decided to live."

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