Algorithms, data structures, and problem solving with C++

Algorithms, data structures, and problem solving with C++ Buch als PDF Rezension














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Mark Allen Weiss ist ein Distinguished University Professor of Computer Science und Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education am College of Engineering and Computing der Florida International University in Miami, Florida. Er war auch Gründungsdirektor der School of Universal Computing, Construction, and Engineering EDucation (SUCCEED), nachdem er zuvor neun Jahre lang stellvertretender Direktor der School of Computing and Information Sciences war.
Er erhielt 1983 seinen Bachelor-Abschluss in Elektrotechnik von der Cooper Union und seinen Ph.D. in Informatik von der Princeton University im Jahr 1987, wo er bei Bob Sedgewick arbeitete. Er ist seit 1987 an der FIU und wurde 1996 zum Professor befördert. Seine Interessen umfassen Datenstrukturen, Algorithmen und Bildung, und er ist am bekanntesten für seine hochgelobten Lehrbücher zu Datenstrukturen, die er allein verfasst hat in der Informatik am weitesten verbreitet. Von 1997 bis 2004 war er Mitglied des Advanced Placement Computer Science Development Committee und leitete das Komitee von 2000 bis 2004. Dr. Weiss ist IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow und ACM Distinguished Educator. Er erhielt 2015 den SIGCSE Award for Outstanding Contribution to Computer Science Education, 2017 den Taylor Booth Education Award der IEEE Computer Society, 2018 den William Sayle Achievement in Education Award der IEEE Education Society und 2021 den ACM Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award .

Beschreibung des Buches

Algorithms, data structures, and problem solving with C++ Buch pdf Rezension von Mark Allen Weiss

This book authored by Mark Allen Weiss, stands out as the first CS2 textbook to distinctly separate the interface and implementation of data structures. This innovative approach presents the interface and running time of data structures upfront, allowing students to apply these structures in various practical examples before delving into their implementations. This method significantly enhances students' ability to think abstractly.

Key Features:

  • Emphasis on Data Structures and Algorithm Design: The book uses C++ as the implementation language while maintaining a strong focus on data structures and algorithm design.
  • Abstraction Reinforcement: Interface and implementations of data structures are discussed separately, reinforcing abstract thinking.
  • Incorporation of Case Studies: Practical examples, such as expression evaluation, cross-reference generation, and shortest path calculations, are used to illustrate concepts.
  • Early Introduction to Time Complexity: A comprehensive discussion of time complexity and Big-Oh notation is provided early in the text.
  • Instructor Flexibility: The book offers instructors flexibility in balancing practice, theory, and the level of C++ detail.
  • Optional Advanced Material: Part V contains advanced material for those who wish to explore further.
  • Coverage of Fundamental C++ Concepts: Classes, templates, and inheritance are covered as fundamental concepts in sophisticated C++ programs.
  • Fully Functional and Tested Code: The book includes fully functional code tested on g++2.6.2, Sun 3.0.1, and Borland 4.5 compilers. This code is integrated into the book and also available via FTP.
  • Supportive Learning Tools: End-of-chapter glossaries, summaries of common errors, and a variety of exercises help reinforce learning.

Weiss's textbook provides a comprehensive and structured approach to mastering algorithms, data structures, and problem-solving using C++, making it an invaluable resource for students and educators alike.

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