For Marx

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Louis Pierre Althusser (Französisch: 16. Oktober 1918 – 22. Oktober 1990) war ein französischer marxistischer Philosoph. Er wurde in Algerien geboren und studierte an der École normale supérieure in Paris, wo er schließlich Professor für Philosophie wurde. Althusser war langjähriges Mitglied und zeitweise ein scharfer Kritiker der Kommunistischen Partei Frankreichs (Parti communiste français, PCF). Seine Argumente und Thesen wurden den Bedrohungen gegenübergestellt, die er als Angriff auf die theoretischen Grundlagen des Marxismus sah. Dazu gehörten sowohl der Einfluss des Empirismus auf die marxistische Theorie als auch humanistische und reformsozialistische Orientierungen, die sich in Spaltungen in den europäischen kommunistischen Parteien manifestierten, sowie das Problem des Personenkults und der Ideologie. Althusser wird allgemein als struktureller Marxist bezeichnet, obwohl seine Beziehung zu anderen Schulen des französischen Strukturalismus keine einfache Zugehörigkeit ist und er viele Aspekte des Strukturalismus kritisierte. Das Leben von Althusser war von Perioden intensiver Geisteskrankheit geprägt. 1980 tötete er seine Frau, die Soziologin Hélène Rytmann, indem er sie erwürgte. Er wurde wegen Geisteskrankheit für verhandlungsunfähig erklärt und für drei Jahre in eine psychiatrische Klinik eingewiesen. Er machte wenig weitere akademische Arbeit und starb 1990.

Beschreibung des Buches

For Marx pdf von Louis Althusser

A milestone in the development of post-war Marxist thought.
This is the work in which Louis Althusser formulated some of his most influential ideas. For Marx, first published in France in 1968, has come to be regarded as the founding text of the school of “structuralist Marxism” which was presided over by the fascinating and enigmatic figure of Louis Althusser. Structuralism constituted an intellectual revolution in the 1960s and 1970s and radically transformed the way philosophy, political and social theory, history, science, and aesthetics were discussed and thought about. For Marx was a key contribution to that process and it fundamentally recast the way in which many people understood Marx and Marxism.
This book contains the classic statements of Althusser's analysis of the young Marx and the importance of Feuerbach during this formative period, of his thesis of the “epistomological break” between the early and the late Marx, and of his conception of dialectics, contradiction and “overdetermination.” Also included is a study of the materialist theater of Bertolazzi and Brecht and the critique of humanist readings of Marxism. Since his death in 1990, Althusser's legacy has come under renewed examination and it is increasingly recognized that the influence of his ideas has been wider and deeper than previously thought: reading For Marx, in its audacity, originality and rigor, will explain why this impact was so significant.
"I should like briefly to present this translation of Pour Marx to an English audience, and, on the same occasion, to make use of the time that has elapsed since it was written to take some 'bearings' on the philosophical content and the ideological significance of this small book. Pour Marx appeared in France in 1965. But only its Introduction ('Today') dates from that year. All the other chapters were published earlier, between 1960 and 1964, in the form of articles in French Communist Party journals.They were collected together exactly as originally written, without any corrections or alterations. To understand these essays and to pass judgement on them, it is essential to realize that they were conceived, written and published by a Communist philosopher in a particular ideological and theoretical conjuncture. So these texts must be taken for what they are. They are philosophical essays, the first stages of a long-term investigation, preliminary results which obviously demand correction; this investigation concerns the specific nature of the principles of the science and philosophy founded by Marx. However, these philosophical essays do not derive from a merely erudite or speculative investigation. They are, simultaneously, interventions in a definite conjuncture."



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