Modern Judaism

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Dan Mark Cohn-Sherbok ist Rabbiner des Reformjudentums und jüdischer Theologe. Er ist emeritierter Professor für Judentum an der University of Wales. Geboren in Denver, Colorado, absolvierte er die East High School (Denver) und war Student am Williams College, Massachusetts, wo er ein Juniorjahr im Ausland in Athen, Griechenland, verbrachte.
Er wurde am Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati zum Reformrabbiner ordiniert. Er war Kaplan des Repräsentantenhauses von Colorado und Ehrenoberst Aide-de-Camp von New Mexico. Er hat als Rabbiner in den Vereinigten Staaten, England, Australien und Südafrika gedient. Er war Student am Wolfson College in Cambridge und ruderte im Boot des Wolfson College. Er promovierte in Philosophie an der University of Cambridge in England. Später erhielt er die Ehrendoktorwürde in Theologie vom Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, New York City. Er lehrte Theologie an der University of Kent und war Direktor des Centre for the Study of Religion and Society sowie Professor für Judentum an der University of Wales. Er war Gastprofessor an der University of Essex, Middlesex University, St. Andrews University, Durham University, University of Vilnius, Litauen, Charles University, Prague, York St John University, Trinity University College, St Mary's University, Twickenham, St. Andrews Biblical Theological College, Moskau und Honorarprofessor an der Aberystwyth University. Er war Visiting Fellow am Wolfson College, Cambridge, und am Harris Manchester College, Oxford, Fellow der Royal Asiatic Society, Fellow der Royal Society of Arts, Corresponding Fellow der Academy of Jewish Philosophy, Visiting Research Fellow des Heythrop College, University of London, Life Member des Wolfson College, Cambridge, Honorary Senior Member des Darwin College, University of Kent, Assoziiertes Mitglied der SCR Christ Church, Oxford, Mitglied des SCR Harris Manchester College, Oxford und Mitglied der London Society for the Study of Religion and the Arts and Humanities Peer Review College. Er war auch Visiting Scholar am Mansfield College, Oxford, am Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies und am Sarum College. Er war Finalist des Times Preacher of the Year und Gewinner des Designwettbewerbs Royal Academy Friends. Er ist mit Lavinia Cohn-Sherbok verheiratet.

Beschreibung des Buches

Modern Judaism pdf von Dan Cohn-Sherbok

Since the post-Enlightenment, Jews have fragmented into a variety of sub-groups, each with their own religious ideology. This book provides a description as well as a critique of these various Jewish religious groups and offers an alternative model of Judaism based on an assessment of the nature of contemporary Jewish life. As will be seen, modern Jews are deeply divided on a wide variety of issues. Given this situation, no uniform pattern of Jewish existence can be imposed from above, nor is it likely to emerge from within the body of Israel. What is required instead is a philosophy of Jewish autonomy which legitimizes Jewish subjectivity and personal decision-making. This philosophy of Judaism - which is referred to in this study as 'Open Judaism' - provides a new foundation for Jewish life as Jews stand on the threshold of the third millennium.
"I could not reconcile anything these people were talking about with anything that made sense: miracles, prohibitions - keep the whole thing! There was one thing that set the seeds in motion very early on. I used to go to the Science Museum. The folks took me; I went there all the time. I loved it. You see these prehistoric things, and all that stuff. When I learnt how to read, I see these things are sixty million years old. They got dates on 'em. How come then, in religion school, the calendar is 5,000 and some years old? So I start thinking about it. This was when I was prob- ably seven or eight. And I say, 'There's something wrong here. These people are telling me the world started 5,000 years ago and· these things are sixty million years old! So I go in to the rabbi and say, 'How come?' He says, 'That's the way it is.' And I say, How can you say that's the way it is. I'm reading the Bible already, and I don't see anything about dinosaurs in there. Somewhere, somebody's got something wrong. I don't know who, but somebody's got something wrong.' (D. and L. Cohn- Sherbok, 1994,246)"



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