The Jews in the Modern World: A History since 1750

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Dan Mark Cohn-Sherbok ist Rabbiner des Reformjudentums und jüdischer Theologe. Er ist emeritierter Professor für Judentum an der University of Wales. Geboren in Denver, Colorado, absolvierte er die East High School (Denver) und war Student am Williams College, Massachusetts, wo er ein Juniorjahr im Ausland in Athen, Griechenland, verbrachte.
Er wurde am Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati zum Reformrabbiner ordiniert. Er war Kaplan des Repräsentantenhauses von Colorado und Ehrenoberst Aide-de-Camp von New Mexico. Er hat als Rabbiner in den Vereinigten Staaten, England, Australien und Südafrika gedient. Er war Student am Wolfson College in Cambridge und ruderte im Boot des Wolfson College. Er promovierte in Philosophie an der University of Cambridge in England. Später erhielt er die Ehrendoktorwürde in Theologie vom Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, New York City. Er lehrte Theologie an der University of Kent und war Direktor des Centre for the Study of Religion and Society sowie Professor für Judentum an der University of Wales. Er war Gastprofessor an der University of Essex, Middlesex University, St. Andrews University, Durham University, University of Vilnius, Litauen, Charles University, Prague, York St John University, Trinity University College, St Mary's University, Twickenham, St. Andrews Biblical Theological College, Moskau und Honorarprofessor an der Aberystwyth University. Er war Visiting Fellow am Wolfson College, Cambridge, und am Harris Manchester College, Oxford, Fellow der Royal Asiatic Society, Fellow der Royal Society of Arts, Corresponding Fellow der Academy of Jewish Philosophy, Visiting Research Fellow des Heythrop College, University of London, Life Member des Wolfson College, Cambridge, Honorary Senior Member des Darwin College, University of Kent, Assoziiertes Mitglied der SCR Christ Church, Oxford, Mitglied des SCR Harris Manchester College, Oxford und Mitglied der London Society for the Study of Religion and the Arts and Humanities Peer Review College. Er war auch Visiting Scholar am Mansfield College, Oxford, am Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies und am Sarum College. Er war Finalist des Times Preacher of the Year und Gewinner des Designwettbewerbs Royal Academy Friends. Er ist mit Lavinia Cohn-Sherbok verheiratet.

Beschreibung des Buches

The Jews in the Modern World: A History since 1750 pdf von Dan Cohn-Sherbok

The Jews in the Modern World covers the period from 1750 until the present, with an emphasis on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It explores in detail the diverse ways in which the Jewish people have reacted to Modernity. As well as covering the Holocaust, the Diaspora and the Arab-Israeli conflict, the authors have included material on anti-Semitism, philo-Semitism, Sephardi and Oriental Jewry and the development of rival ideologies within the Jewish community. An important section of the book is devoted to the often neglected topic of the role of women in Judaism. Interest in modern Jewish history has never been greater, but despite the huge amount of recent research, this is the first major textbook in forty years to deal with the topic in a clear and undogmatic manner.
"During the past thirty years, the study of modern Jewish history has moved from the periphery to the centre of academic historiography. Hardly taught at the university level a generation ago, and all but ignored in mainstream history textbooks, modern Jewish history has become a widely-recognised subject attracting considerable interest and a vast, ever-growing volume of monographs, journals, conferences, and dissertations. In part this has occurred because of the centrality of the Holocaust to contemporary con- sciousness, of a general awareness of the Jews as the archetypal persecuted minority, and of the popularity of ethnicity as a mode of social analysis. In part it has occurred because of the breakdown, regretted by many, of the familiar 'kings, dates, and battles' history oriented around the nation-state, and its supercession, in part, by categories derived from social history. In part it has occurred because of the sheer volume of writing on this subject, generally by Jewish scholars, but often and increasingly by non-Jews."



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