The Revenge of Power: How Autocrats Are Reinventing Politics for the 21st Century

The Revenge of Power: How Autocrats Are Reinventing Politics for the 21st Century PDF


Moses Naím











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Moisés Naím wurde als „einer der weltweit führenden Denker“ (Prospect Magazine) bezeichnet und vom Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute of Switzerland zu den 100 besten globalen Vordenkern gezählt. Er ist Distinguished Fellow der Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, ein international verbreiteter Kolumnist und Bestsellerautor von 15 Büchern, darunter „The End of Power“ und „Illicit“. 2013 erschien „The End of Power“. wurde von der Washington Post und der Financial Times zu einem der besten Bücher des Jahres gewählt.Naim hat kürzlich seinen ersten Roman „Two Spies in Caracas“ veröffentlicht.
2011 erhielt er den renommierten Ortega y Gasset Journalism Award und gewann 2018 einen Emmy Award für seine Fernsehsendung „Efecto Naim“. Außerdem war er vierzehn Jahre lang Chefredakteur der Zeitschrift Foreign Policy. Unter seiner Führung gewann das Magazin dreimal den National Magazine Award for General Excellence und wurde zu einer der weltweit einflussreichsten Publikationen in internationalen Angelegenheiten.
Naím war Venezuelas Minister für Handel und Industrie, Direktor der Zentralbank Venezuelas und Exekutivdirektor der Weltbank. Er hat MSc. und Ph.D. Abschlüsse des Massachusetts Institute of Technology und war Professor und Dekan der IESA, Venezuelas wichtigster Business School.

Beschreibung des Buches

The Revenge of Power: How Autocrats Are Reinventing Politics for the 21st Century pdf von Moses Naím

“An authoritative and intelligent portrait of the global spread of authoritarianism and its dangers...what sets [this] work apart from books like Timothy Snyder’s On Tyranny and Michiko Kakutani’s The Death of Truth is its unusually comprehensive armada of facts about the international drift over the past two decades toward authoritarian leaders, whether old-style dictators like Kim Jong Un or nominally elected presidents like Vladimir Putin.” ―Kirkus
An urgent, thrilling, and original look at the future of democracy that illuminates one of the most important battles of our time: the future of freedom and how to contain and defeat the autocrats mushrooming around the world.
In his bestselling book The End of Power, Moisés Naím examined power-diluting forces. In The Revenge of Power, Naím turns to the trends, conditions, technologies and behaviors that are contributing to the concentration of power, and to the clash between those forces that weaken power and those that strengthen it. He concentrates on the three “P”s―populism, polarization, and post-truths. All of which are as old as time, but are combined by today’s autocrats to undermine democratic life in new and frightening ways. Power has not changed. But the way people go about gaining it and using it has been transformed.
The Revenge of Power is packed with alluring characters, riveting stories about power grabs and loses, and vivid examples of the tricks and tactics used by autocrats to counter the forces that are weakening their power. It connects the dots between global events and political tactics that, when taken together, show a profound and often stealthy transformation in power and politics worldwide. Using the best available data and insights taken from recent research in the social sciences, Naím reveals how, on close examination, the same set of strategies to consolidate power pop up again and again in places with vastly different political, economic, and social circumstances, and offers insights about what can be done to ensure that freedom and democracy prevail.
The outcomes of these battles for power will determine if our future will be more autocratic or more democratic. Naím addresses the questions at the heart of the matter: Why is power concentrating in some places while in others it is fragmenting and degrading? And the big question: What is the future of freedom?



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