Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment

Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment PDF


Steve Harvey










Human Development

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Broderick Stephen Harvey (* 17. Januar 1957) ist ein US-amerikanischer Fernseh- und Radiomoderator, Schauspieler, Autor, Geschäftsmann und ehemaliger Standup-Comedian. Er moderiert die Steve Harvey Morning Show, Family Feud, Celebrity Family Feud und den Miss Universe-Wettbewerb sowie die kommende limitierte schiedsgerichtliche Komödie Richter Steve Harvey. Harvey begann seine Karriere als Komiker. Er machte in den frühen 1980er Jahren Standup-Comedy und moderierte Showtime im Apollo und The Steve Harvey Show auf The WB. Später war er in The Original Kings of Comedy zu sehen, nachdem er in der Kings of Comedy Tour mitgewirkt hatte. Seine letzte Standup-Show führte er 2012 auf. Harvey ist der Gastgeber von Family Feud und Celebrity Family Feud, die er seit 2010 macht. Er hat auch Little Big Shots, Little Big Shots Forever Young und Steve Harveys Funderdome moderiert. Als Autor hat er vier Bücher geschrieben, darunter seinen Bestseller Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man, der im März 2009 erschien. 2017 gründete Harvey Steve Harvey Global, ein Unterhaltungsunternehmen, das seine Produktionsfirma East 112 und verschiedene andere Unternehmen beherbergt. Er brachte eine afrikanische Version von Family Feud auf den Markt und investierte zusammen mit Anthem Sports and Entertainment in die HDNet-Übernahme. Er und seine Frau Marjorie sind die Gründer der Steve and Marjorie Harvey Foundation, einer gemeinnützigen Organisation, die sich auf die Jugendbildung konzentriert. Er ist sechsfacher Gewinner des Daytime Emmy Award, zweifacher Gewinner des Marconi Award und 14-facher Gewinner des NAACP Image Award in verschiedenen Kategorien.

Beschreibung des Buches

Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment pdf von Steve Harvey

"Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man" is a self-help book by Steve Harvey that aims to help women understand men and improve their relationships. In the book, Harvey offers insights into the male mind and behavior and provides tips for women on how to navigate the dating world, communicate with men, and build successful relationships.

Harvey, a comedian and radio host, draws on his own experiences and interviews with hundreds of men to provide practical advice for women. He argues that men are simple creatures with basic needs and desires, and that women can be successful in relationships by understanding and meeting those needs. Harvey outlines what he calls the "three Ps" that men need in a relationship: "provider, protector, and problem solver."

Harvey also emphasizes the importance of self-respect and personal boundaries in relationships. He encourages women to have clear standards and expectations for their partners and to be willing to walk away from relationships that do not meet those standards. Harvey also discusses the importance of trust, honesty, and communication in building strong and lasting relationships.

Throughout the book, Harvey uses humor and real-life examples to illustrate his points and make the advice more accessible. He also addresses common misconceptions and stereotypes about men and relationships, such as the idea that men are afraid of commitment or that they only want sex.

Critics of the book argue that Harvey's advice is overly simplistic and reinforces gender stereotypes. Some also accuse him of promoting a "game-playing" approach to relationships, in which women must manipulate men to get what they want. However, many readers have found the book to be helpful and empowering, with practical tips and insights that have improved their relationships.

Overall, "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man" is a popular and controversial self-help book that offers advice for women looking to improve their relationships with men. Whether you agree with Harvey's approach or not, the book provides a unique perspective on the male mind and behavior, and offers practical tips for building successful and fulfilling relationships.



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