Napoleão - o homem por trás do mito

Napoleão - o homem por trás do mito PDF


Adam Zamoyski













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Herr Adam ZAMOYSKI ist ein preisgekrönter britischer Historiker und Autor des Bestseller-Epos „1812. Napoleon’s Fatal March on Moscow“ und seiner Fortsetzung „Rites of Peace. The Fall of Napoleon and the Congress of Vienna“. Herr ZAMOYSKI hat mehrere andere renommierte Bücher über Schlüsselfiguren und Aspekte der europäischen und Weltgeschichte veröffentlicht. Seine umfassende Geschichte Polens, "The Polish Way", war bei seinem Erscheinen 1987 nicht nur für mehrere Wochen in den Bestsellerlisten vertreten, sondern seither nie vergriffen. Er ist auch ein angesehener Kommentator und Rezensent, hat zu allen wichtigen britischen Aufsätzen und Zeitschriften beigetragen und in England, Europa und den Vereinigten Staaten Vorträge gehalten.

Beschreibung des Buches

Napoleão - o homem por trás do mito pdf von Adam Zamoyski

A landmark new biography that presents the man behind the many myths. The first writer in English to go back to the original European sources, Adam Zamoyski’s portrait of Napoleon is historical biography at its finest. Napoleon inspires passionately held and often conflicting visions. Was he a god-like genius, Romantic avatar, megalomaniac monster, compulsive warmonger or just a nasty little dictator? Whilst he displayed elements of these traits at certain times, Napoleon was none of these things. He was a man, and as Adam Zamoyski presents him in this landmark biography, a rather ordinary one at that. He exhibited some extraordinary qualities during some phases of his life but it is hard to credit genius to a general who presided over the worst (and self-inflicted) disaster in military history and who single-handedly destroyed the great enterprise he and others had toiled so hard to construct. A brilliant tactician, he was no strategist. But nor was Napoleon an evil monster. He could be selfish and violent but there is no evidence of him wishing to inflict suffering gratuitously. His motives were mostly praiseworthy and his ambition no greater than that of contemporaries such as Alexander I of Russia, Wellington, Nelson, Metternich, Blucher, Bernadotte and many more. What made his ambition exceptional was the scope it was accorded by circumstance. Adam Zamoyski strips away the lacquer of prejudice and places Napoleon the man within the context of his times. In the 1790s, a young Napoleon entered a world at war, a bitter struggle for supremacy and survival with leaders motivated by a quest for power and by self-interest. He did not start this war but dominated his life and continued, with one brief interruption, until his final defeat in 1815. Based on primary sources in many European languages, and beautifully illustrated with portraits done only from life, this magnificent book examines how Napoleone Buonaparte, the boy from Corsica, became ‘Napoleon’; how he achieved what he did, and how it came about that he undid it. It does not justify or condemn but seeks instead to understand Napoleon’s extraordinary trajectory.



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