The Story of Civilization, Volume 10: Rousseau and Revolution

The Story of Civilization, Volume 10: Rousseau and Revolution PDF


Will Durant












Geschichte Europas

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William James Durant war ein produktiver amerikanischer Schriftsteller, Historiker und Philosoph. Er ist am bekanntesten für das 11-bändige Buch The Story of Civilization, das in Zusammenarbeit mit seiner Frau Ariel geschrieben und zwischen 1935 und 1975 veröffentlicht wurde. Früher wurde er für sein 1926 geschriebenes Buch The Story of Philosophy bekannt, das als „a bahnbrechende Arbeit, die zur Popularisierung der Philosophie beitrug." Sie wurden 1967 mit dem Pulitzer-Preis für Literatur und 1977 mit der Presidential Medal of Freedom ausgezeichnet.

Beschreibung des Buches

The Story of Civilization, Volume 10: Rousseau and Revolution pdf von Will Durant

Durant's purpose in writing The Story of Civilization was not to create a definitive scholarly production but to make a large amount of information accessible and comprehensible to the educated public in the form of a comprehensive "composite history." Given the massive undertaking in creating these 11 volumes over 50 years, errors and incompleteness have occurred; yet for an attempt as large in breadth of time and scope as this, there are no similar works to compare. As Durant says in the preface to his first work, Our Oriental Heritage: I wish to tell as much as I can, in as little space as I can, of the contributions that genius and labor have made to the cultural heritage of mankind - to chronicle and contemplate, in their causes, character and effects, the advances of invention, the varieties of economic organization, the experiments in government, the aspirations of religion, the mutations of morals and manners, the masterpieces of literature, the development of science, the wisdom of philosophy, and the achievements of art. I do not need to be told how absurd this enterprise is, nor how immodest is its very conception ... Nevertheless I have dreamed that despite the many errors inevitable in this undertaking, it may be of some use to those upon whom the passion for philosophy has laid the compulsion to try to see things whole, to pursue perspective, unity and time, as well as to seek them through science in space. ... Like philosophy, such a venture [as the creation of these 11 volumes] has no rational excuse, and is at best but a brave stupidity; but let us hope that, like philosophy, it will always lure some rash spirits into its fatal depths. -Will Durant, Our Oriental Heritage, preface Rousseau and Revolution received the Pulitzer Prize for General Non-Fiction in 1968.



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