Author Abu Al-Qasim Al-Shabi

Abu Al-Qasim Al-Shabi PDF


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About Abu Al-Qasim Al-Shabi

Books review of author Abu Al-Qasim Al-Shabi pdf

Abu al-Qasim al-Shabi: the pride of Arabic literature in the green areas of Tunisia. He is the poet who breathes the reader into his poetry the nectar of Andalusian notes in poetry, and the most prominent person in his poems manifested in the phenomenon of parallel sentences in poetry, an ancient phenomenon in the Arab heritage whose blood was renewed in the memory of the Arab heritage when it was deposited In the verses of al-Shabi. Abu al-Qasim ibn Muhammad ibn Abi al-Qasim ibn Ibrahim al-Shabi was born in 1909 AD in the town of Cheba, in the state of Tozeur. His blood traces back to his father, Sheikh Muhammad al-Shabi, who was distinguished by piety and righteousness. He spent most of his time between the mosque, the court and the house. This upbringing had a clear impact on the life Chebbi; He memorized the Noble Qur’an, then joined Al-Zaytoonah University in 1920 AD, and graduated in 1928 AD. After that, he joined the Law School at Zitouna University in Tunis, from which he obtained a Bachelor of Laws in 1930. Chebbi presented to the literary field many articles and poems that received attention and were published in various Tunisian and Egyptian newspapers. Al-Shabbi was active in Khalduniyya, the literary club of the ancients of Sadiqiyah; In addition, he was one of the founders of the Muslim Youth Association in 1929 AD. Chebbi gave many lectures in the clubs of the capital, Tunis and the wilaya of Tozeur, and the memory of Arabic literature was enriched by the poems he presented to it, including: “The Will to Life” and “Prayers in the Temple of Love.” He was attacked by the claws of the “gallbladder” disease since his birth, and he was complaining of an enlarged heart, as a result of which he died in the prime of his youth. He passed away in 1934 AD, and his body was transferred to Tozeur to be buried.
الخيال الشعري عند العرب
الخيال الشعري عند العرب
Novel and poetry collections
الخيال الشعري عند العرب pdf by Abu Al-Qasim Al-Shabi
مذكرات pdf by Abu Al-Qasim Al-Shabi