Author Ahmed Saad Eddin

Ahmed Saad Eddin PDF


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About Ahmed Saad Eddin

Books review of author Ahmed Saad Eddin pdf

Ahmed Saad El-Din: Dr. Ahmed Saad El-Din is a novelist and historical researcher. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and a Diploma in Total Quality Management. American University, Master's and Doctorate degrees in Business Administration. He works as a consultant specializing in the field of quality and management systems as a specialized academic work. And the author of a variety of research in the various branches of ancient history. The first printed work is the book “Pharaoh with the Pegs” published by Dar Al-Kitab Al-Arabi 2015, which is considered the first work of the author. It is an extensive and encyclopedic historical research on the truth and origin of Pharaoh and his people, in which he refutes the forgeries of the Jews of the ancient Egyptian history, the history of the ancient Near East and the various efforts of Judaization through previous ages.

قلادة مردوخ
قلادة مردوخ
Drama novels
قلادة مردوخ pdf by Ahmed Saad Eddin
فرعون ذو الأوتاد
فرعون ذو الأوتاد
Historical Anthology
فرعون ذو الأوتاد pdf by Ahmed Saad Eddin