Author Antoine Pelissolo

Antoine Pelissolo PDF


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About Antoine Pelissolo

Books review of author Antoine Pelissolo pdf

Psychiatrist, professor of medicine and head of department and researcher at the Mondor Institute for Biomedical Research (INSERM).
Antoine Pelissolo has worked for more than 20 years on problems of anxiety and depression, notably developing research on OCD and phobias. It also attempts to improve the knowledge of professionals and the public on these pathologies, through training and popularization works.
In addition to the books available on this page, Professor Pelissolo is the author of more than 140 international scientific articles, and numerous chapters of scientific and medical books.
He is also 1st Deputy Mayor of Créteil, Departmental Councilor of Val-de-Marne, and Deputy National Secretary of the Socialist Party.

Dépression : s’enfermer ou s’en sortir
Dépression : s’enfermer ou s’en sortir
Social sciences
Dépression : s’enfermer ou s’en sortir pdf by Antoine Pelissolo