Author David Pollard

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About David Pollard

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David Pollard (born October 12, 1943) is a Professor of Earth Mechanics and Structural Geology at Stanford University. David Pollard teaches an undergraduate course, Fundamentals of Structural Geology, and is writing a university textbook in Structural Geology. He teaches graduate-level courses in structural geology, rock mechanics, and rock fracture mechanics. Morris Professor of Earth Sciences, Stanford University, August 1983 - presently Geophysicist and Project Leader, USGS July 1974 - August 1983 Assistant Professor, University of Rochester, September 1970 - June 1974 Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Structural Geology. Developer of Poly3D, a boundary element computer program for fault and fracture analysis. Co-founder of IGEOSS, a French company that develops software for the hydrocarbon industry (acquired by Schlumberger in 2010). Author and producer of A Complete Suite, a musical allegory that explores the uses of continuity mechanics in structural geology. Editor, New Sections in Structural and Tectonic Geology, NSF-sponsored White Paper on Research Opportunities. Fellow of the Geological Society of America and the American Geophysical Union.

Fundamentals of Structural Geology
Fundamentals of Structural Geology
Natural Science
Fundamentals of Structural Geology pdf by David Pollard