Author Mohiuddin Ibn Abdul Zahir

Mohiuddin Ibn Abdul Zahir PDF


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About Mohiuddin Ibn Abdul Zahir

Books review of author Mohiuddin Ibn Abdul Zahir pdf

(He was born in Cairo on the 9th of Muharram 620 AH corresponding to 2/11/1223 AD - he died in Cairo on 3/7/692 AH corresponding to 8/6/1293 AD). He was nicknamed "Sheikh of the People of Transcendence" and "the narrator of the narrators". An Egyptian judge and owner of the Diwan of Inshaa in the Mamluk state, he lived during the reign of the sultans Qutuz, Al-Zahir Baybars and his two sons Baraka and Salamish, Al-Mansour Qalawun and Al-Ashraf Khalil. The era of al-Zahir Baybars. After Baibars assumed power in the year 1260 AD, his first most important service was to write a letter on his tongue to Baraka Khan, the king of the Mongol Golden Horde, who converted to Islam, inciting him against Hulagu and the Mongols of Persia (the Ilkhanate). Al-Maqrizi relied on some of what was mentioned in his book “The Gorgeous Kindergarten in the Plans of Al-Mu’izziyah Al-Qahirah” in writing “The Plans of Al-Maqrizi”. Among his other books are “The Honor of Days and Ages in the Biography of King Al-Mansur” about the life and facts of Sultan Al-Mansur Qalawun and the facts of his reign, and “The Hidden Kindness from the Honorable Royal Biography of Al-Ashrafiya” about the life and reign of Sultan Al-Ashraf Khalil bin Qalawun. The nature of his work as a clerk in the construction bureau made him in constant contact with the sultans of his time and informed him about the affairs of the state. He had a distinctive style of writing that made him one of the masters of writing in his time. Ibn Taghri described him as “one of the masters of the book, their chiefs, and their virtuous ones,” and al-Qalqashindi described him as “one of the stallions of the book.”

الروضة البهية الزاهرة في خطط المعزية القاهرة
الروضة البهية الزاهرة في خطط المعزية القاهرة
Social sciences
الروضة البهية الزاهرة في خطط المعزية القاهرة pdf by Mohiuddin Ibn Abdul Zahir