Author ahdaf suif

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About ahdaf suif

Books review of author ahdaf suif pdf

She is an Egyptian writer who writes in English and lives between Cairo and London - she is the daughter of Professor of Psychology Dr. Mustafa Soueif, and Professor of English Fatima Moussa. She graduated from the Faculty of Arts - Cairo University in 1971 in the Department of English Literature,,, and received her PhD in, 1978. Her most recent publication, Against the Cannons, A Palestinian Journey, is a collection of literary essays, awarded honorary doctorates by two British universities. She taught in Cairo literature in the early seventies, then traveled to London to study and settled there, where she married the well-known English writer, writer and poet Azbin Hamilton, a literary critic who has a prominent position among English writers. Then, the well-known novel “In Ain Shams” was published in 1992, and it is located in “800” pages, and was received by the Western literary circles with great enthusiasm, which prompted the British novel’s publisher to say about it: “It is an important and almost miraculous novel, it is the great English novel about Egypt, and in At the same time, the great Egyptian novel about England combines two contradictory worlds. Among her books are: “Zeina al-Hayat,” a collection of short stories, which is her first book published in Arabic, and then “The Piper of the Sand,” which is also a collection of short stories, but in English, and then her novel “The Map of Love,” which is located in 700 pages, in which it monitors the beginnings of the Jewish settlement in the land of Palestine. The mere mention of the name of any novelist in the small list of candidates for it is enough to push his name to the constellation of great novelists in the whole world, and her literary works have been translated into most of the world's languages.

خارطة الحب
خارطة الحب
Literary novels
خارطة الحب pdf by ahdaf suif
زينة الحياة
زينة الحياة
short stories
زينة الحياة pdf by ahdaf suif