Author omar gsam

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About omar gsam

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Omar Jassam Al-Azzawi BA and MA in Archeology, Ph.D. Student in Cultural Heritage Management Archaeologist PhD in Cultural Heritage Management. Lecturer at the University of Mosul Place and date of birth: Mosul / 1983 Nationality: Iraqi The researcher obtained many training certificates in the field of archeology and cultural heritage management, most notably the universities of Mosul, Dokuz Eylul, Turkey, Sapienza. “Italy,” “Leiden” the Netherlands, “Glasgow” Scotland, “Durham” the United Kingdom, “European University Institute” in Italy, and the Institute for the Preservation of Antiquities in Iraq. The researcher participated in many international and local conferences, symposia and workshops. She was invited to the United Kingdom As a visiting researcher by the British Institute for the Study of the Archeology of Iraq, the British Museum, Durham University and the EAMENA Group for the study of the cultural heritage of the Middle East.

علم الاثار في العراق
علم الاثار في العراق
Social sciences
علم الاثار في العراق pdf by omar gsam