Author Atef Abu Seif

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About Atef Abu Seif

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Atef Abu Seif was born in 1973 in Jabalia Camp - Gaza - Palestine, to parents of a family that was expelled from the city of Jaffa. Atef Abu Seif studied English language and literature at Birzeit University - Palestine. He loved storytelling and narration because of his passion for his grandmother, Aisha, who died dreaming of Jaffa and recounting her stories and diaries in the city, so that this young man only wished he could write a story about his grandmother in Jaffa, which is the matter which he hasn't done yet. He published four novels, the first was titled Shadows in Memory, the second was Samer's Night Tale, and the third was titled Snowball, and the fourth was titled Sour grapes of Paradise in addition to a collection of short stories entitled Very Ordinary Things. In Amman, Atef Abu Seif holds a master's degree in political science from the University of Bradford - England, where his master's thesis was on "European integration". As for his doctoral thesis, which he is preparing at the University of Florence - Italy, it revolves around the Palestinian political entity and the role of external factors, specifically the European Union, in it. "When people ask me: Why do you study politics? I answer with a passage from my first novel when a mother complains to the Israeli officer that her nine-year-old child, who was arrested by soldiers, does not understand politics, and the soldier replies: Even your donkey understands politics." Atef Abu Seif

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Literary novels
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