Author Dick gin

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About Dick gin

Books review of author Dick gin pdf

Dick El-Jin is a pseudonym for a real writer who is immersed in the concerns of others. He does not run after the light as much as he likes to express what he wants. He recently published a book: “Mamoun Al-Qanuni… Variations from Reality of Life” Jordanian amateur writer, married with three children, He holds a degree in engineering.(According to websites: Deek El-Jin is a pseudonym for the writer Jihad Abu Hashish) and this was denied by the writer Deek El-Jin, and it is the title chosen by the Homsi poet Abd al-Salam bin Raghban, who lived in the Abbasid era for himself, except that Deek El-Jin was resurrected From his shrine in the Jordanian capital, Amman, to compose stories in the Jordanian dialect about daily life instead of classical and on the social networking site Facebook to spread digitally and under a pseudonym whose owner no one knows. With relatively noticeable popularity on this social networking site, the book "Mamoun al-Qanuni" is the first to be published by Fadaat Publishing House in Jordan. The book includes 368 pages containing 68 texts from his Facebook posts, which won the admiration of followers.

اللعبة ديك الجن
اللعبة ديك الجن
Horror novels
اللعبة ديك الجن pdf by Dick gin
مأمون القانوني ديك الجن
مأمون القانوني ديك الجن
Horror novels
مأمون القانوني ديك الجن pdf by Dick gin