Author Wayne Nafziger

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About Wayne Nafziger

Books review of author Wayne Nafziger pdf

Dr. Wayne Nafziger, University Distinguished Emeritus Professor of Economics, is author of Economic Development, 4th ed., Cambridge University Press; Economic Development, Inequality and War: Humanitarian Emergencies in Developing Countries, Palgrave Macmillan, 2003 (with Juha Auvinen); Conflict or Development? Economists Allied for Arms Reduction, 2003 (with Joseph Stiglitz, Paul Collier, Neil Cooper, et al.); Fathers, Sons, and Daughters, 1998; Learning from the Japanese: Japan's Prewar Development and the Third World, M.E. Sharpe, 1995; Poverty and Wealth, 1994; The Debt Crisis in Africa, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993; Inequality in Africa: Political Elites, Proletariat, Peasants, and the Poor, Cambridge University Press (Choice Outstanding Book, 1989-90); and seven other books. He is also author of "Entrepreneurship and Development," International Handbook of Development Studies, Elgar, 2007. Nafziger is editor of War, Hunger, and Displacement, 2 volumes, Oxford University Press, 2000 (with Francis Stewart and Raimo Vayrynen) and The Prevention of Humanitarian Emergencies, Palgrave/Macmillan, 2002 (with Raimo Vayrynen). His publications have appeared in American Economic Review, Economic Development & Cultural Change, Journal of Development Studies, World Development, Journal of Economic Issues, and other journals.
Nafziger has been Senior Research Fellow, UN University/World Institute for Development Economics Research, Helsinki; Hewlett Visiting Fellow, Carter Center; Visiting Professor, International University of Japan; Visiting Scholar, University of Cambridge; Fellow, East-West Center, Honolulu; and Visiting Fulbright Professor to India. He has made presentations at Harvard University’s Center for Population and Development Studies; the Soviet Academy of Sciences (Moscow), International Technology and Economy Institute (Beijing), Fudan University’s School of Economics and Management (Shanghai), Sophia University (Tokyo), International Centre for Theoretical Physics (Trieste), Czech Academy of Sciences (Prague), Stockholm School of Economics, Lester Pearson Centre for Development Studies (Halifax), Delhi School of Economics, the U.S. Department of State Conference on Nigeria, and the 40th Annual Werner Sichel Economics Lecture at Western Michigan University. He has also served on the editorial boards of several journals.

Economic Development
Economic Development
Social sciences
Economic Development pdf by Wayne Nafziger
Economic Development, Inequality and War: Humanitarian Emergencies in Developing Countries
Economic Development, Inequality and War: Humanitarian Emergencies in Developing Countries
Social sciences
Economic Development, Inequality and War: Humanitarian Emergencies in Developing Countries pdf by Wayne Nafziger
The Prevention of Humanitarian Emergencies
The Prevention of Humanitarian Emergencies
Social sciences
The Prevention of Humanitarian Emergencies pdf by Wayne Nafziger