Author Zainab Fawaz

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About Zainab Fawaz

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Zainab Fawaz is an author, writer, and poet. She was nicknamed "Durrat al-Sharq", for her articles in literature and social reform of a high cultural standing, which made her at the forefront of the pioneers of the Arab feminist movement, such as Aisha al-Taymouri and May Ziada. Zainab bint Ali bin Hussein bin Obaid Allah bin Hassan bin Ibrahim bin Muhammad bin Yusef Fawaz was born in 1276 AH / 1846 AD, probably, in the town of Tibnin in Sidon, southern Lebanon. Her father was poor; So the lady "Fatima bint Asaad Al-Khalil", the wife of the governor of the town, "Ali Bey Al-Asaad", served her, and she was favored over her; She taught her to read and write. Zainab was married twice; The first is from “Adib Nazmi al-Dimashqi,” one of the courtiers, but the marriage did not last long. Then she left for Alexandria, where she studied morphology, eloquence, and presentations at the hands of Hassan Hosni Al-Tuwarani, owner of the newspaper “The Nile.” She also studied grammar and composition under Sheikh Mohieddin Al-Nabhani, and then moved to Cairo. As for her second marriage, it took place after she gained fame, as Adeeb Nazmi admired her. After several correspondences, she traveled to Damascus and married him. The marriage lasted only three years, after which she returned to Egypt. She became famous and wrote in several newspapers, including: “Al-Nil”, “Lisan Al-Hal”, “Al-Moayad”, “Al-Liwaa”, “Al-Ahly”, “Al-Ittihad Al-Masry”, “Al-Fata” and “Anis Al-Jalis” magazines. ». Her works have varied, including: the novel such as “Hassan Al-Aqab or Ghada Al-Zahira” and “Cyrus the King of Persia”, the play such as “Hawa and Loyalty”, the biography such as “Durr scattered in the layers of deceitful goddesses”, a collection of articles entitled “The Zainabiyah Letters”, and several poems. She had a prominent role in the women's movement; She was the fastest to demand women's rights and raise their level before the call of "Qasim Amin." She demanded that women be given all the economic, political, and administrative work that men engage in, and she asserted that there is no nation in which the rays of urbanization have been emitted at any time, except that women have the upper hand, and the greatest merit. The writer left our world in 1332 AH / January 1914.

الرسائل الزينبية
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Social sciences
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الملك كورش
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Literary novels
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الدر المنثور في طبقات ربات الخدور - نسخة قديمة
الدر المنثور في طبقات ربات الخدور - نسخة قديمة pdf by Zainab Fawaz