الأخلاق للشباب والطلاب والناشئة - الآثار الكاملة

الأخلاق للشباب والطلاب والناشئة - الآثار الكاملة pdf


Ali Shariati








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Ali Shariati was born near the city of Sabzwar in Khorasan in 1933. A famous Iranian Shiite thinker who is considered the inspirer of the Islamic Revolution. He graduated from the Faculty of Arts, to be nominated for a mission to France in 1959 to study religion and sociology to obtain two doctorate degrees in the history of Islam and sociology. In his youth, he joined the Mossadeq movement and worked as a teacher and was arrested twice while studying at college. He was arrested in Paris after participating in a solidarity demonstration with Patrice Lumumba, the first elected prime minister of the Congo, who was assassinated by Belgian intelligence. Then, after his return from France, where in 1969 he established the Hussainiya al-Irshad for the education of young people, and when it was closed in 1973, he and his father were arrested for a year and a half. Internal pressure and international condemnation led to his release in 1977, and he traveled to London. Dr. Ali Shariati is a unique example of Iran's thinkers. Since, although he is ethnically Persian, he did not stop criticizing the populist tendency of the men of Safavid Shi'ism, in a more radical way than most of the Arab writers who addressed this issue. He showed the mechanism of blending in the Shiite narrative tradition between Iranian authority and Islamic prophecy. He is considered one of the few who were able to deviate from the whims of sects and doctrines. He sought with all his might to rally the ranks towards unity, criticizing what he called "Safavid Shi'ism" and "Umayyad Sunnah" and called for rapprochement between "Alawite Shi'ism" and "Muhammadian tradition". Ali Shariati presented an important legacy of ideas that contributed to the preparation for the overthrow of the Shah’s regime, as there were more than 150 studies on it until 1997, and the total number of what was printed for Shariati in the seventies reached 15 million copies, as confirms the researcher Muhammad Esfandiari, and Shariati himself mentioned that the number of students The university students who enrolled in his lessons exceeded fifty thousand students, and the book “The State” distributed more than one million copies. Hashemi Rafsanjani considered him a key milestone in establishing the Iranian renaissance, and Mustafa Chamran says that his main companion in the barricades of southern Lebanon facing the Zionist enemy was Shariati’s book “The Desert.” Shariati was found dead in his apartment three weeks after his arrival in London in 1977, before the Iranian revolution Two years from 43 years old. The prevailing opinion is that this was done by the Shah's intelligence.

Book Description

الأخلاق للشباب والطلاب والناشئة - الآثار الكاملة pdf by Ali Shariati

في كتابه هذا قام الدكتور علي شريعتي باستعراض عدة مفاهيم أخلاقية وشرحها بأسلوب عملي مبسط وجريء وذو مغزى أحياناً، لأنه ألف الكتاب في عهد الطاغوت البهلوي، وأراد أن يدرّس هذا الكتاب في المدارس للناشئين في الصفوف 4 و5 و6 الابتدائية. وبالفعل استطاع أن يحرر من خلاله روحه الثائرة وصراحته وتمرّده ليساهم من خلاله في إنضاج الجيل الذي حقق الثورة عام 1979م وانتفض على واقعه الفاسد. وقد طبع منه عشرات الطبعات حتى الآن، فصحيح أنه لم يعد يدرّس في المدارس، وحلت مكانه المناهج الجديدة، لكنه ما زال متداولاً بين الكبار والصغار لأسلوبه المتميز في طرح الفكرة ومعالجة المشكلة، ونظراً لحاجة المجتمع العربي لمثل هذا الأسلوب وتعطشه لنسماته قام الأستاذ محمد حسين بزي صاحب دار الأمير مشكوراً بطبع ترجمته العربية، عسى أن ينتفع به جيلنا الصاعد، وينال المؤلف والمعرّب والناشر به أجراً أخروياً جزيلاً من رب كريم، والحمد لله رب العالمين.

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