التطرف العلماني في مواجهة الإسلام

التطرف العلماني في مواجهة الإسلام pdf









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Yusuf Abdullah Al-Qaradawi (September 9, 1926): Egyptian and Qatari Muslim scholar, and former president of the International Union of Muslim Scholars. He was born in the village of Saft Turab, the center of Al-Mahalla Al-Kubra, Gharbia Governorate, in Egypt. He memorized the Qur’an when he was under ten. He joined Al-Azhar until he graduated from high school and was ranked second in the Egyptian kingdom when it was subject to royal rule. Then the sheikh joined the Faculty of Fundamentals of Religion at Al-Azhar University, from which he obtained international recognition in 1953. He was ranked first among his classmates, who numbered one hundred and eighty students. He obtained an international degree with a teaching license from the College of Arabic Language in 1954 AD, and he was ranked first among his fellow graduates of the three colleges in Al-Azhar, who numbered five hundred. Youssef Al-Qaradawi obtained a diploma from the Institute of Higher Arabic Studies of the League of Arab States in the field of language and literature in 1958, and later in 1960 he obtained a preparatory study equivalent to a master’s degree in the Department of Quranic and Sunnah Sciences from the Faculty of Fundamentals of Religion in Al-Azhar, and in 1973 he obtained a degree (PhD) with distinction, with first class honors, from the same college, and the topic of the thesis was on "Zakat and its impact on solving social problems". Important developments in the life of Al-Qaradawi Yusuf Al-Qaradawi in his youth his father died when he was two years old, so his uncle raised him. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi was imprisoned several times for belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood. He was imprisoned for the first time in 1949 during the royal era, then was arrested three times during the era of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser in January 1954 AD, then in November of the same year where his detention lasted for about twenty months, and then in 1963 AD. In 1961, Al-Qaradawi traveled to the State of Qatar and worked there as Director of the Secondary Religious Institute. And the biography of the Prophet at Qatar University and is still in charge of it to this day.

Book Description

التطرف العلماني في مواجهة الإسلام pdf by Yousif Al Qardawi

قضية العلمانية أو اللادينية ومواجهة الإسلام بتلك الافكار والمبادئ بدات منذ زمن بعيد ولكنها وصلت في وقتنا الحاضر إلى مرحلة تتسم بالعدائية الصريحة ملخصة أعدائها في عدو واحد هو (الشريعة الاسلامية)وهو عدو يجب القضاء عليه بكافة الوسائل سواء بالثقافة او القوانين او غيرها. في هذا الكتاب يتناول الدكتور (يوسف القرضاوي) هذا التطرف والعداء العلماني لكل ما هو إسلامي متخذا تركيا وتونس نموذجا لتطبيق تلك العلمانية فالدولة الأولى كانت مقر الخلافة الاسلامية وشعبها يدين بالاسلام ثم انقلبت إلى النقيض كما يبين المؤلف، الثانية وشعبها يدين بالاسلام ثم انقلبت إل النقيض كما يبين المؤلف، الثنية هى دولة عربية اسلامية مرت بنفس التجربة العلمانية يتناولهما الدكتور القرضاوي بتفصيل واسهاب مبينا من خلال هذا النموذج حقيقه هذا الصراع القائم بعد وضع خلفيه جيدة وملائمة عن العلمانية في الغرب المسيحي ودعاوى العلمانيين في الشرق المسلم.

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