الطب النبوي بين العلم والإعجاز

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Dr. Hassan Wasfi Shamsi Pasha, a Syrian doctor, was born in Homs in 1951. Consultant Cardiologist at King Fahd Armed Forces Hospital in Jeddah, Fellow of the Royal Colleges of Physicians in Ireland, Glasgow and London, and Fellow of the American College of Cardiologists. Education and certificates He studied elementary, middle and high schools in Homs schools. He studied medicine at the University of Aleppo, and graduated in 1975, and was among the top five in the Faculty of Medicine. He obtained a postgraduate certificate in internal diseases from Damascus University in 1978, and won first place in that certificate. He also received the first degree of honor in the thesis he prepared entitled Cardiomyopathy. He then traveled to Britain to specialize, where he stayed in London, Manchester and Preston for about ten years, during which he specialized in cardiology, and worked as a research fellow in cardiology at Manchester University Hospitals for three years. He obtained a certificate of membership of the Royal College of Internal Physicians in Britain in 1981 and a certificate of membership of the Royal College of Internal Physicians in Ireland in 1987. His work came to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1988 to work as a consultant cardiologist at King Fahd Armed Forces Hospital in Jeddah, then head of the cardiology department, then head of the intensive care department For more than seven years. An honoring ceremony was held for him; binary; In Jeddah on 4 Dhul Qi’dah 1418 AH in appreciation of his efforts in the field of medical education through books and articles he published in Arab magazines and newspapers. In 1995 he was elected a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in London, a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in Glasgow, and a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland. He was also elected a Fellow of the American College of Cardiologists. Entered in Who is Who Encyclopedia of Famous Doctors in the World 2000

Book Description

الطب النبوي بين العلم والإعجاز pdf by Hassan Shamsi Pasha

الطب النبوي هو مجموع ما ثبت عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم مما له علاقة بالطب سواء أكان آيات قرآنية أو أحاديث نبوية، ويتضمن وصفات داوى بها النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بعض أصحابه ممن سأله الشفاء، أو أنه دعا إلى التداوي بها، كما يتضمن توصيات تتعلق بصحة الإنسان في أحوال حياته من مأكل ومشرب ومسكن ومنكح، وتشمل تشريعات تتصل بأمور التداوي وأدب الطب في ممارسة المهنة وضمان المتطبب في منظار الشريعة الإسلامية.
وفي هذا الكتاب من سلسلة "كتب قيمة" قطوف من بستان الطب النبوي وأزهار من روضة الحبيب المصطفى صلى الله عليه سلم، وفيه ذكر لفوائد العنب والزنجبيل، والخل، والتمر، والكمأة، والمسك، والسمك، والعسل، وزيت الزيتون، الحبة السوداء... وفيه أيضاً علامات لبعض الأمراض المؤذية السرطان، والقلب، ورمد العين... وذلك على ضوء ما جاء في الحديث النبوي الشريف.

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