تاريخ الدولة العلية العثمانية

تاريخ الدولة العلية العثمانية pdf


Mohamed Farid









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He is a well-known lawyer and historian. He is considered one of the major Egyptian national leaders in the early twentieth century. He assumed the presidency of the National Party after the death of the leader, Mustafa Kamel, and spent his fortune in the national struggle and the struggle against the occupation. Muhammad Farid was born in 1868 to a family of Turkish origins. He was educated at Al-Alsun and Law Schools. Upon graduating, he worked in the Appeals Prosecution Office, then became a professional lawyer. He had intellectual and cultural tendencies, embodied in his writing of many books such as the book “From Egypt to Egypt”, the book “A Journey to the Lands of Andalusia, Marrakesh and Algeria”, the book “The History of the Romans” and other books, in addition to that, he created Farid with each of Ahmed Hafez Awad And Mahmoud Abi Nasr is a scientific journal called “The Encyclopedia.” Despite this enlightening intellectual struggle, the man became more widely known for his kinetic struggle, as he dedicated his life to the national struggle against the British occupation. He traveled with Mustafa Kamel Pasha to many European countries defending the homeland’s issues with him, and exposing the practices of the occupation in Egypt. Muhammad Farid worked to spread education among the members of the nation. He established night schools in popular neighborhoods to educate the poor for free. He also laid the foundations of union life in Egypt, where he established the first labor union in 1909 AD. Egypt has known through his hands the huge popular demonstrations, where he was able to mobilize to them, and mobilize the people towards one demand, as happened when the palace and the government demanded the establishment of a constitution for Egypt. After the death of Mustafa Kamel, Muhammad Farid was elected in 1908 as head of the National Party in dire circumstances, as the occupation and the palace began to crack down on national movements and restrict the freedom of the press. One of the consequences of this was that Farid was referred to the Criminal Court on a false accusation in which he was sentenced to six months, after which he was exiled in 1912 AD. However, his struggle for the homeland did not stop with his exile, as he continued to defend the homeland’s issues abroad, as happened in the two peace conferences. Geneva in 1912 and The Hague in 1913. Muhammad Farid remained in a continuous struggle and struggle throughout his life, even after he fell ill, as doctors advised him to rest, but he did not calm down, as he continued to defend his cause and his message until he passed away in Berlin in 1919 AD, and his body was transferred to Cairo after a life full of jihad in For the freedom and elevation of his country.

Book Description

تاريخ الدولة العلية العثمانية pdf by Mohamed Farid

يستهلُّ محمد فريد كتابه «تاريخ الدولة العلية العثمانية» بعبور سريع على تاريخ دُوَلِ الخلافة المتعاقب، بدءًا من الخلافة الراشدة حتى دولة المماليك. ثم ما يلبث بعد ذلك أن ينتقل بصورة تفصيلية إلى تاريخ الخلافة العثمانية منذ نشأتها حتى نهايتها تحت حكم السلطان عبد الحميد الثاني. ويُعَدُّ التاريخ العثماني من أكثر التواريخ الإسلامية إثارةً للجدل، حيث اختلف المؤرِّخون حول تقييمه بين مؤيِّد ومعارض؛ فهو تاريخ شَهِدَ الكثير من الفتوحات والإنجازات الحضارية على الصعيد السياسي والاقتصادي والاجتماعي، كما شهد في الوقت ذاته تدهورًا تَمَثَّل في انصراف السلاطين عن أحوال الناس، واهتمامهم بصناعة الأمجاد الشخصية بدلًا من تلبية احتياجات الرعية. وتنبُع أهمية هذا الكتاب من كونه يُلقِي نظرةً شاملةً على تاريخ الدولة العثمانية بصورة موجزة قدرَ الإمكان، وبقلم أحد كبار رموز الحركة الوطنية المصرية أوائل القرن العشرين.

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