تاريخ مصر من الفتح العثماني إلى قُبيل الوقت الحاضر

تاريخ مصر من الفتح العثماني إلى قُبيل الوقت الحاضر pdf


selem hassen









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Salim Hassan was born in the village of Mit Nagy, affiliated to the Mit Ghamr Center, Dakahlia Governorate, Egypt. His father died when he was young, so his mother took care of him and insisted that he complete his education. After Salim Hassan finished primary and secondary education and obtained a baccalaureate degree in 1909, he joined the High School of Teachers. He was one of the students of Ahmed Kamal Pasha. Then he was chosen to complete his studies at the Archeology Department attached to this school due to his excellence in history, and he graduated in 1913. At the beginning of his scientific life, Selim Hassan tried to join the Egyptian Museum to be an assistant curator in the museum, but his efforts were unsuccessful, as the jobs of the Egyptian Museum were restricted to foreigners only, so Selim Hassan worked as a history teacher in the princely schools. In 1921, he was appointed to the Egyptian Museum after pressure from the Egyptian government represented by Ahmed Shafik Pasha, the Minister of Works. In the Egyptian Museum, Selim Hassan was a student of the Russian scientist Golenishev. In 1922, Selim Hassan traveled to Europe with Ahmed Kamal Pasha to attend the centenary celebrations of the French archaeologist Champollion. For Egyptian antiquities such as the head of Nefertiti, which he saw in Berlin. In 1925, Ahmed Kamal Pasha managed to convince the Minister of Education Zaki Abu Al-Saud to send some Egyptians abroad to study archeology, among them was Salim Hassan. From the Catholic College, he also obtained a diploma in archeology from the Louvre College, and completed his mission in 1927 by obtaining a diploma in the Egyptian language and a diploma in ancient Egyptian religion from the Sorbonne University. Selim Hassan returned to Cairo and was appointed assistant curator at the Egyptian Museum and was then assigned to teach archeology at the Faculty of Arts at Fouad I University (currently Cairo) and then appointed as an assistant professor there. In 1928, Salim Hassan participated with the Austrian archaeologist Juncker in excavations and excavations in the pyramid area. He then traveled to Austria and obtained a doctorate in archeology from the University of Vienna. His work In 1929, Selim Hassan began archaeological excavations in the pyramid area on behalf of Cairo University, to be the first time that a scientific body organized excavations with Egyptian hands. Many effects. Salim Hassan continued his excavations in the area of ​​the pyramids of Giza and Saqqara until 1939 AD. During that period, about two hundred tombs were discovered, the most important of which are the tomb of the Queen (Khent Kaos) of the Fifth Dynasty and the tombs of the children of King Khafre, in addition to hundreds of artifacts, statues and stone sun boats of Kings Khufu and Khafre. Selim Hassan was appointed in the year General Undersecretary of the Egyptian Antiquities Authority, to be the first Egyptian to hold this position and be the first responsible for all the country's antiquities. This exposed him to severe harassment that led to his leaving his position in 1940 AD. In 1954 AD, the Egyptian government used the great experience of Salim Hassan and appointed him head of the mission that would determine the extent of the impact of the construction of the High Dam on the effects of Nubia. In 1960, Salim Hassan was unanimously elected a member of the New York Academy, which includes more than 1,500 scientists from 75 countries.

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تاريخ مصر من الفتح العثماني إلى قُبيل الوقت الحاضر pdf by selem hassen

يتميز تاريخ مصر في العصر الحديث بالديناميكية؛ فهو مليء بالأحداث الجِسام التي يصعُب على أي مؤرخ استيعابها جملةً واحدةً؛ فقد خضعت مصر للسيطرة العثمانية منذ عام ١٥١٧م، عندما استطاع السلطان سليم الأول القضاء على الدولة المملوكية وإعدام آخِر سلاطينها «طومان باي». غير أن المماليك استغلوا الضعف الذي أصاب الدولة العثمانية؛ فاستطاع علي بك الكبير أن ينفرد بالحكم، ولكن سرعان ما عاد الحكم للعثمانيين مرةً أخرى، حتى أتت الحملة الفرنسية على مصر ودامت ثلاث سنوات، تقلَّد بعدها «محمد علي» الحكم ونهض بالبلاد، ولكن أوروبا تصدت لنهضته وقضت عليها عام ١٨٤٠م، واستمر تدخُّلها في شئون مصر حتى احتلتها عام ١٨٨٢م.

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