سفر البنيان

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Egyptian novelist and journalist and editor-in-chief of the Egyptian newspaper Akhbar Al-Adab. The owner of a unique novelist project, in which he was inspired by the Egyptian Arab heritage to create a wonderful novelist world, which is today one of the most mature novel experiences. The ancient Arab with a serious contemporary look. In recent years, his artistic experience has opened up to television work, while maintaining the same features that we find in the novel, as he revealed another world that lives among us, of architecture and people. Al-Ghitani is considered one of the most famous Arab writers on the Internet, as most of his novels and collections of stories are available in digital copies that are easy to exchange, adding a new dimension to this writer, who combined deep originality and conscious modernity. In 1963, Al-Ghitani was able to work as a painter in the Egyptian General Organization for Productive Cooperation, where he continued to work with the institution until 1965. He was arrested in October 1966 on political grounds, and released in March 1967, where he worked as a secretary for the Egyptian Cooperative Society for Makers and Artists of Khan El-Khalili, to 1969 AD In 1969, Al-Ghitani again switched his job to become a war correspondent on the battle fronts for Akhbar Al-Youm. In 1974 he moved to work in the investigative journalism department, and eleven years later in 1985 he was promoted to head the literary department of Akhbar Al-Youm. Al-Ghitani founded Akhbar Al-Adab newspaper in 1993, where he served as the editor-in-chief. In the pre-press period from 1963, when he published his first short story, to 1969, he published an estimated fifty short stories, but from a practical point of view he started writing early, as he wrote the first story in 1959, entitled The End of the Drunkard. Critics began to notice it in March 1969, when he published his book, Papers of a Young Man Who Lived a Thousand Years ago, which included five short stories, and some critics considered it the beginning of a different phase for the Egyptian short story. He died on October 18, 2015 Among his books: The Papers of a Young Man Who Lived a Thousand Years Ago Zewail The Guardians of the Eastern Gate The Mtoun of the Pyramids Shatah Al-Madina The Ultimate Demand for the Heritage of the Arabs Safar Al-Bunyan Tales of the Foundation Al-Tajalliyat (Three Travels)

Book Description

سفر البنيان book pdf by Jamal Al-Ghitani

قال د. ناصر الرباط عن هذا الكتاب: سفر البنيان سلسلة حكايات أبطالها أبنية وبناءون ولحظات حاسمة في تاريخ مصر العمراني أو تاريخ الغيطانى الذاتي. تتخللها ومضات قصيرة، يشرح فيها الغيطانى مصطلحات معمارية بتعبير رمزي ونفس صوفي، يرى الشيء وانعكاسه ويفتش عن المعنى ونقيضه. وقال عنه د. محمود على الكردي: تدور معظم الحكايات التي يسردها علينا الغيطانى من هذا المنطلق. وفى ظني أن هاجس الموت ولغز العالم الأخروي ومسألة الفناء والخلاء من القضايا التى لم تلح عليه بهذه القوة وبهذا العمق اللذين لا يُعرفان في أدبنا المصري المعاصر إلاّ تأثرًا بتجربته المرضية التي تأرجح فيها بين عتبتي الموت والحياة، وبوابتي الوجود والعدم. وقالت عنه د. مارى تريز عبد المسيح: تحاور الكتابة الفراغ في سفر البنيان، مثلما تحاور العمارة الفناء، ومثلما يحاور الذكر الأنثى، والأصل المنتهى هو الفراغ، أو الفناء أو الأنثى، يفضى الحوار بين الثنائيات المتباينة إلى الاندماج، وتولد إما تكوينات أو كيانات جديدة. ومثلما يلجأ المرء إلى البناء المعماري احتماءً من الفناء أو الفناء يحتمي الجنين في الرحم فالرحم قبو، فالأنثى والمكان عاملان يربطان الأرض بالسماء. مثلما ترتبط الكتابة الحية بالذاكرة المعرفية

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