سيرانو دي برجراك

سيرانو دي برجراك pdf


Edmond Rostand









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Edmond Roustan is a French playwright, poet and novelist, the youngest writer elected to compose a musical for the French Academy. He is also the pioneer of the heroic play, and the owner of the complex romantic plot that combines soul and thought; That is, between absolute realism and excessive romance. Edmond Eugene Alexis Rostan was born in 1868 AD in the charming French coastal city of Marseille, which he inherited from its brilliant and kind-hearted people, and grew up in a wealthy family, educated and fond of poetry and music. His ancestors were Spaniards from Cadiz; These Spanish roots, which place chivalry at the rank of preference and bragging, made him tend to glorify the spirit of chivalry in his plays. His father, Eugène Rostan, before he took his place in the Social Sciences Academy due to his fame in political economy, was a poet who organized delicate poetry, and a book was published for him called “The Coral Rendezvous,” in which the father mentions his son in more than one piece. Edmond began his education by joining the Lycée in Marseille, and his father sent him to Paris; In order to complete his studies at the Stanislas Institute, the prestigious Parisian institute where he studied literature, philosophy, history and rhetoric at the hands of the famous literary historian, René Domic. Then the writer joined the School of Law and obtained his degree from it. The French Academy awarded him the "Manifesto" award for the treatise he wrote on "Emotional and Natural Stories". Edmund revolted against the approach of the natural realist school and revolutionized the field of literature; Where he married in his writings between romance and realism, contrary to the approach of the realist school, which reduced the aesthetics of life to the abstract observation of reality. Edmund left an immortal literary legacy, beginning with a poetry book called "Edmond Rostan". He also presented his masterpiece "Cyrano de Bergerac", the play "The Romantics" and "The Little Eagle". He passed away in 1918.

Book Description

سيرانو دي برجراك pdf by Edmond Rostand

«سيرانو دي برجراك» هي مسرحية تجسدُ في جوهرها ضربًا من ضروب الكوميديا البطولية التي تختزلُ كل المكارم الأخلاقية والفرائد الإنسانية في كلمتين هما: التضحية، والإيثار؛ فالكاتب يضرب في هذه المسرحية أروع الأمثلة التي تجسد مغزى القدسية في الحب؛ من خلال قصة البطل المحب «سيرانو دي برجراك» الذي أُوْلِعَ بابنة عمه الجميلة «روكسان» التي أُلِفَت أنسجة رِقَّتها من حبها للشعر، والأدب، وقد أجاد سيرانو دي برجراك تلك الفنون التي أحبتها؛ ولكنه كان دميم الهيئة، فجمع في شخصه تركيبةً مؤلمة من الذهن اللامع بوميض الشعر والأدب، والقدر السيء المتجسد في قبح الهيئة. فأراد البطل أن يُكمل الصورة الجمالية فاستعار لإكمالها صديقه الوسيم «كرستيان» الذي امتلك الجمال الآثِر، وافتقر إلى اللفظ الجميل الشاعر؛ فأعار له البطل وريقات في صورة رسائل شاعرة يرسلها إلى محبوبته، فافتُتِنت بكرستيان؛ لأنها وجدت فيه الفارس المُعبرِ عن حُلمها الطموح. ويرى الناقد الكبير «اميل فاجيه» أن الكاتب قد اجتاز عنصر الزمن في ثلاثة قرون جمعت بين الخيال والفكاهة اللفظية واللطافة المعنوية؛ فحق لها أن تكون ملهاةً ملحمية كما وصفها صاحبها.

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