صناعة الأثاث والموبيليا: فن النجارة

صناعة الأثاث والموبيليا: فن النجارة review


Younis Khanfar









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Born in 1947 in Silat Dhahr, Engineer Younis Youssef Younis Khanfar hailed from his village. He underwent his early education at Silat Al-Dhahar School and completed the preparatory stage. In 1967, he achieved his high school diploma from the Industrial School in Kuwait. Subsequently, he pursued a bachelor's degree in interior and furniture design, specializing in "Decorative Engineering," at Helwan University in Cairo, graduating in 1972.

His career in education took him to various colleges and institutes in Libya until 1979. He then returned to Jordan, where he served as a teacher in several institutes and colleges in Amman. In 1982, he joined the Vocational Training Corporation in Amman, taking on the role of training coordinator for carpentry and decoration. Later, in 1993, he assumed the position of director for one of the institution's vocational training branches.

Throughout his career, Engineer Younis Khanfar enriched his knowledge by attending external courses in Britain, Sweden, and Switzerland, along with participating in numerous local courses. His influence extended beyond Jordan, as he contributed to the development of curricula for public and private universities in the Kingdom and other Arab countries like Sudan, Egypt, Baghdad, and Syria.

Notably, Engineer Younis Khanfar played a crucial role in crafting the curriculum for industrial schools at the Ministry of Education in Jordan. His dedication to education and his expertise in decoration led him to design and implement decoration works for official and government agencies, particularly in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

In addition to his professional accomplishments, Engineer Younis Khanfar authored the book "The History and Development of Decorative Arts and Furniture Through the Ages." This comprehensive work traced the evolution of decorative arts from primitive times through various civilizations such as ancient Egyptian (Pharaonic), Assyrian, Babylonian, African, Roman, Byzantine, Islamic, Arab, Gothic, Renaissance, Chinese, and Japanese arts.

Sadly, Engineer Younis Khanfar passed away in 2000 after a courageous battle with illness. Before his demise, he left behind a legacy of refined creativity and good taste, setting a standard ahead of his time in his field. His contributions to education and the arts continue to impact his family, comprising four daughters and five sons, all of whom have pursued university and postgraduate degrees. May his knowledge and influence endure.

Book Description

صناعة الأثاث والموبيليا: فن النجارة review by Younis Khanfar

النجارة هي فن قديم ومعقد، يشمل المهارات والذوق والابتكار المطلوب لتشكيل القطع الخشبية في هيكل متماسك وأساسي يخدم أغراضًا مختلفة في حياتنا اليومية. يركز هذا الكتاب بشكل خاص على نجارة الأثاث، ويقدم إرشادات قيمة للمتدربين والقراء والهواة حول استخدام الأدوات والمعدات والآلات التقنية بدقة. فهو لا يوضح الاستخدام الصحيح لهذه الأدوات فحسب، بل يؤكد أيضًا على الصيانة والإعداد المناسبين للعمل الفعال.

من خلال تسليط الضوء على الخبرة والمهارات الواسعة التي ينطوي عليها هذا الشكل الفني، يتعمق الكتاب في نظرة شاملة لأنواع الخشب. هذه المعرفة تؤهل المتدرب للتمييز بين المواد المختلفة الضرورية لنجارة الأثاث. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يمكّن الكتاب القارئ من ترجمة الرسومات والمواصفات الفنية إلى خطوات تنفيذ عملية، ويقدم طرقًا متنوعة للتركيب الصناعي لأنواع مختلفة من الأثاث.

تم تعزيز الجانب العملي للكتاب من خلال العديد من الرسومات والرسوم البيانية، مما يساعد في التنفيذ السليم لمشاريع النجارة. من خلال التركيز على الأثاث وتصنيع الأثاث، يعد هذا الكتاب بمثابة مورد قيم للأفراد الذين يبحثون عن فهم أعمق لفن النجارة، حيث يوفر رؤى ومهارات ضرورية لأي شخص يشارك في هذه الحرفة القديمة والخالدة أو يطمح إلى متابعتها.

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