عرفت السادات

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His first acquaintance with President Sadat was when the latter was on the run during the murder case of Amin Othman. Mahmoud Jameh's grandfather took him in, honored him, and favored him for a while. Dr. was. Jameh entered the Brotherhood in the forties and was arrested in 1954, so his mother went to Sadat, who became a member of the Revolutionary Command Council, and he mediated for his release, and his mediation succeeded and he was released. After that, Sadat offered him to join the Socialist Union, and he entered it as did many of the Brotherhood who left the organization, then his relationship with Sadat was strengthened when he was vice president and he fell ill for several months with a stroke in his village Mit Abu al-Kom and asked Jameh to be with him to relieve him of the suffering of loneliness and illness because both They agreed on many things, and between them was an unmistakable chemistry. Sadat took him with him on some of his trips, and confided himself a lot to him, especially as he was a vice president. He traveled with him to Syria. Yasser Arafat and Hassan Sabry al-Khouli were with them. Near the Golan Heights, Sadat told him: “Oh Mahmoud, the Syrian army in the Golan on June 5, 1967 did not fire.” One shot at the Israelis and the Golan was sold to them for 10 million dollars.” He told him, “You know, Mahmoud, the Jews are more merciful than the Baath.” And when the collector wrote these words, the world agitated him, and they denied him, but Anis Mansour at the time supported him in that, and even more than that, King Faisal saw that. Jameh used to say that “smartness and intelligence are the key to Sadat’s personality, for he could have been patient for a long time until his prey fell alone.” As for his relationship with Sheikh al-Shaarawy, it began in the forties when he was a student at Tanta High School and went out to student demonstrations, and al-Shaarawy used to give enthusiastic sermons to them, He arrested Dr. He gathered with a group of students, so Shaarawy went to the symbols of the delegation in Cairo and brought to the students Makram Obaid Pasha, who pleaded with them in a wonderful plea in Al-Fusha and cited many Qur’anic verses. With the days, the relationship of Jami’ and Al-Shaarawy strengthened, and they traveled several times together to Hajj and Umrah and on separate trips. In one of these trips, Al-Shaarawi distributed bundles of cash every time he circumambulated the House once in compliance with the Almighty’s saying: The man of the bundle said: “I am the ambassador of Libya in the Kingdom, and I took the bundle as a blessing, but I do not need it.” Jameh told me about the secret of the bad relationship between Al-Shaarawy and Jihan Al-Sadat. She invited him to lecture some of the women in the Rotary Clubs during the day in Ramadan, and he found most of them smoking in front of him and wearing clothes that do not befit the majesty of the month or the religious lecture. Thus,” he then said to Jami’: “Oh, Wade, Mahmoud, I felt that I was deceived,” meaning I was deceived. And on Al-Shaarawy’s Telegraph of Sadat, in response to the latter’s speech on the authority of Sheikh Al-Mahlawi, “Throwing like a dog in the cell,” he replied: “Al-Azhar does not bring out dogs, but rather it brings out scholars and preachers.” And he talked about Jihan Sadat's conflict with Mubarak when he was vice president, and that she wanted to dismiss him and appoint Mansour Hassan in his place. Some army commanders for that, canceled the decision and dismissed Mansour Hassan, and on that day Mubarak carried the decision saying to Mansour Hassan: “Do not play with fire so that it does not burn you.” As for his historical testimony about electoral fraud in Egyptian history, he said: “Election fraud is known in all eras of Egypt, but it was in the royal era on a very narrow scale due to the power of the competing parties and their circulation of power. The beginning of the July Revolution and the emergence of a fashion for 99% of the elections and referendums, fraud became crude, organized and without borders, and Parliament was operated by remote control, and political work was only a livelihood. It has been witnessed by Dr. He collected himself how to produce, direct and implement electoral fraud, and told the story of the nomination of the famous journalist Rashad Al-Sharabakhumi, who ran for parliament against Fathi Al-Madbouly, “Secretary General of the Socialist Union in Menoufia Governorate”. The governor, the head of the election committee and the interior inspector said to them: “Where is my vote, you children of the dog, and there is not a single vote in the box in which my family voted, we suppose that my whole family hates me and did not give me their vote.. Their voice.. We said walking, and we assume that my wife does not love me and adores others, so she did not give me her voice.. We said walking.. Ok, where is my voice, I who put it in the box myself? My voice, O children of the dog, went where. Their heads are birds.”

Book Description

عرفت السادات pdf by Dr. Mahmoud Jameh

كتاب عرفت السادات pdf تأليف د. محمود جامع.. كتاب شائك تناول الكثير من الأحداث التي أثارت جدلًا في حياة جمال عبد الناصر ثم السادات، وقبيل ثورة الضباط الأحرار وبعدها، وجدير بالذكر أن الدكتور محمود جامع كان صديقًا شخصيًا للسادات، وبالتالي فهو قريب من دائرة الأحداث الداخلية أو دائرة صنع القرار، وربطته أحاديث كثيرة مع السادات بشكل عام فاطّلع على حياته وما فيها من خفايا، واستطاع أن يوجه له بعض الأسئلة حول أحداث غامضة. من أبرز الأحداث التي يتناولها الكتاب علاقة السادات وجمال عبد الناصر بالإخوان المسلمين قبل ثورة 1952، ثم بداية فترة جمال عبد الناصر وما يكنّه السادات له في الخفاء، وبداية الانقلاب على الإخوان، فيقف بنا عند حادث المنشية المفبرك والذي كان ذريعة للتخلص من بعض الشخصيات المزعجة، كما يحدثنا عن خسارة الحرب وكيف اتفق الرئيس مع الوزراء على حشد الناس لتأييده، وغير ذلك من الأحداث الخفية والتي قد تشعر منها أن فعلا مجال السياسة يخفي الكثير والكثير وراء الستار وبعيدًا عن عدسات الإعلام. من أبرز فصول الكتاب: عبد الناصر مسؤولًا عن الجهاز السري للإخوان، عندما سألت السادات عن مقتل المشير، مذبحة القضاء في العهد الناصري، عبد الناصر وبطانته أسرار وأهوال، السادات يأكل الناصريين واحدًا تلو الآخر، هكذا عاد الإخوان، ثم قال السادات غاضبًا: هيكل نعم، هيكيلة لا. ملف عائلة الرئيس، الطريق إلى السلام، ذكريات مع السادات النائب والرئيس، عمائم في حياة السادات.

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