علم الفراسة والتشخيص

علم الفراسة والتشخيص pdf


Michio Kushi









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Michio Kushi "Pioneer of Macrobiotics and Holistic Living and a prominent Japanese educator" played a pivotal role in introducing modern macrobiotics to the United States during the early 1950s. His contributions spanned various fields, including philosophy, spiritual development, health, food, and disease management.

Early Life and Education:

  • Michio Kushi's journey began in Japan, where he studied macrobiotics under the guidance of George Ohsawa after World War II.
  • He later pursued studies in law and international relations at the University of Tokyo.
  • In 1949, he relocated to the United States, continuing his studies at Columbia University in New York City.

Founding Initiatives:

  • In partnership with his wife, Aveline Kushi, Michio founded Erewhon Natural Foods, which played a significant role in popularizing healthy eating in the U.S.
  • The couple established the East West Journal, the East West Foundation, the Kushi Foundation, One Peaceful World, and the Kushi Institute.
  • Their literary contributions encompassed over 70 books on topics related to holistic living.

Family and Personal Life:

  • Tragically, Aveline Kushi passed away in 2001, and their daughter in 1995.
  • Michio Kushi later remarried, and his family grew to include four sons, fourteen grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.
  • He resided in Brookline, Massachusetts, until his passing at the age of 88, succumbing to pancreatic cancer.

Recognitions and Awards:

  • In 1994, Michio Kushi received the Award of Excellence from the United Nations Society of Writers.
  • In 1999, he was acknowledged in the Congressional record for his dedication to educating the world about the benefits of a macrobiotic diet.
  • The Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History honored him with a permanent collection named the "Michio and Aveline Kushi Macrobiotics Collection."

Legacy and Controversy:

  • Michio Kushi, along with Aveline, founded The Kushi Institute, recognized for its contributions to diet, health, and world peace.
  • However, his claims about the curative powers of a macrobiotic diet, particularly in treating cancer, have faced criticism from nutritionists.
  • Some experts questioned the scientific basis of Kushi's assertions, citing cases where individuals following a macrobiotic diet still succumbed to cancer despite testimonials of remission. They emphasized the importance of conventional medical treatment alongside dietary changes.

Book Description

علم الفراسة والتشخيص pdf by Michio Kushi

هذا الكتاب دليلك إلى معرفة وضعك الصحى والنفسى والسلوكى للوقاية من الأمراض تأليف ميتشيو كوشي ، يقودنا هذا الكتاب في رحلة مثيرة انطلاقاً من مقولة فلسفة التشخيص الشرقى بأن كل ما يتجلى من حالات جسدية ونفسية وعصبية عند الإنسان هو تجل لبيئته، وللتوازن بين بيئته الخارجية والداخلية. فالبنية والعادات الغذائية والعوامل الوراثية الناجمة عن البيئة التى عاش فيها الأسلاف والنظام الغذائي الذى كانوا يتبعونه، تحدد جميعها بنية جسم المرء وحالته الداخلية. كما يعلمنا مبادئ التشخيص الشرقى ومهاراته، التى تعرض لنا بأسلوب مشوق ومبسط في هذا الكتاب، كيف نستخدم حاسة البصر لنتعرف إلى ما هو شاذ في وضع الجسم وحركته واستبانة العديد من الاعتلالات الصحية التى لا يكشفها الفحص الطبى الروتينى.

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