قوة عقلك الباطن

قوة عقلك الباطن pdf


Joseph Murphy








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Joseph Murphy was an Irish-born American author, minister, and New Thought writer who is best known for his works on the power of the subconscious mind. He was born on May 20, 1898 in a small town on the outskirts of County Cork, Ireland and immigrated to the United States in the 1920s, where he pursued a career in ministry and eventually became a pastor in the Church of Divine Science in Los Angeles.

Murphy's writing career began in the 1940s, and his first book, "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind," published in 1963, quickly became a bestseller. The book introduced readers to the concept that the subconscious mind has the power to transform a person's life, and it became a foundational text in the self-help genre. Murphy went on to write dozens of other books, including "The Miracle of Mind Dynamics," "The Cosmic Power Within You," and "Your Infinite Power to be Rich." He was also a popular speaker and lecturer, and his teachings on the power of the mind attracted a large following.

Murphy's core message was that individuals have the power to transform their lives through the power of their thoughts. He believed that the subconscious mind could be trained to attract success, health, and happiness, and that negative thoughts and emotions could be replaced with positive ones through the use of affirmations and visualization techniques. He encouraged readers to take responsibility for their own lives and to actively seek out ways to improve their circumstances.

Murphy's writing has been criticized by some for its simplistic approach to complex issues, and for promoting a belief in the power of positive thinking that some argue is not supported by scientific evidence. However, his work remains popular and continues to inspire readers around the world.

In addition to his writing and speaking, Murphy was also involved in philanthropy and social justice causes. He was a member of the International Council of Mental Hygiene, and he used his platform to advocate for improved mental health care and social welfare programs. He also worked to promote racial equality and civil rights, and he was an active supporter of the NAACP.

He died in December 1981. His wife, Dr. Jane Murphy, took charge of the institution he ran until her death.

Book Description

قوة عقلك الباطن pdf by Joseph Murphy

يعتبر هذا الكتاب من بين أقوى كتب الكون انتشاراً بين القراء؛ وكتاب "قوة عقلك الباطن" يعد بحق من أمهات الكتب فلقد أفاد أكثر من مليون شخص من نصائحه الفعالة وترجم الى العديد من اللغات، كما أنه أساس أفضل برامج التسجيل السمعية مبيعاً. ويقع الكتاب في قائمة الكتب اللازم قراءتها لدى العديد من مؤسسات التجارة والأعمال حول العالم، يجمع الكتاب بين الحكمة القديمة والعلم الحديث، وبذلك لا يتسنى لك الوصول الى استبصارات جديدة فحسب بل والأكثر أهمية التقنيات الفعلية التي يمكن أن تستخدمها في الحياة وتشمل تلك الفصول الرائعة على سبيل المثال: الكنز الذي بداخلك، كيف يعمل عقلك، القوة صانعة المعجزات في عقلك الباطن، الكشف عن طريق العقل في الأزمنة القديمة، نزوع العقل الباطن نحو الحياة وعقلك الباطن شريكك في الحياة. وتعدّ هذه الطبعة المعتمدة من أهم أعمال الدكتور "ميرفي"، فقد تم تنقيحها وتزويدها بتعليقات جديدة من كتابات الدكتور التي لم تنشر من قبل، وهي توضح تقنيات التركيز العقلية القادرة على إزالة المعوِّقات الناشئة من اللاوعي والتي تمنعنا من تحقيق النجاح الذي نريده، ونستحقه.

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