محاضرات في الحقوق الرومانية

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Muhammad Mohsen al-Barazi: a Syrian lawyer, academic and politician, considered one of the most prominent political leaders in Syria in the early twentieth century. Muhammad Muhsin bin Khalid al-Barazi was born in the city of Hama in Syria in 1904 AD. He studied law in France; He obtained a BA from the University of Lyon in 1930, and was able to obtain a doctorate in law from the Sorbonne University in France. Mohsen al-Barazi held many positions; He worked as a lawyer and professor of international law at the University of Damascus. He also held the position of Minister of Education from April to September 1941 AD, during the first ministry of Khaled al-Azm. In addition, he was appointed as an assistant and legal advisor to President Shukri al-Quwatli and a writer of his speeches. His envoy abroad between 1943 and 1946 AD, in addition to his assumption of the position of prime minister in July 1949 AD, after the military coup carried out by “Hosni al-Zaim” in March 1949 AD to overthrow the regime of President “Al-Quwatli”, after which “Al-Zaeem” became president to Syria for only four months; Until August of the same year. Mohsen al-Barazi took advantage of his friendly relations with neighboring Arab countries, especially Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan; In order to gain Arab support for the leader's regime. In 1933, he participated with a number of Arab thinkers, including the historian Constantine Zureik, the philosopher Zaki al-Arsuzi and the politician Sabri al-Asali, in founding the National Action League, whose main goals were to oppose the policy of European colonialism. Where it called for the abolition of the British and French mandate over the Arab countries, and also called for Arab economic unity, and this league was able to occupy a prominent position in both Syria and Lebanon. Al-Barazi has books, including: “Lectures on Romanian Rights” and “Lectures on French Civil Rights.” Mohsen al-Barazi was executed by firing squad on August 14, 1949, along with his boss, Hosni al-Zaim, after they were accused by the Supreme War Council of high treason, following the military coup that overthrew the leader's government.

Book Description

محاضرات في الحقوق الرومانية pdf by Muhammad Muhsin al-Barazi

يُقصَد ﺑ «الحقوق» مجموعةُ القواعدِ أو المعاييرِ التي تُنظِّمُ علاقاتِ الأفرادِ فيما بينَهُم، كذلك عَلاقاتُهُم بمُجتمَعِهِم، وهي تشملُ الحقوقَ السياسية، والاقتصادية، والاجتماعية، والدينية، وغيرَها. وقد بدأ تَبلوُرُ هذا المفهومِ بشكْلِه الأوَّليِّ منذُ بداياتِ العُصورِ القديمة، وظلَّ في تَغيُّرٍ مستمرٍّ إلى أنْ وَصلَ إلى صِيغٍ شِبهِ كاملةٍ في عهدِ الإمبراطوريةِ الرومانية، التي استفادَتْ كثيرًا مِنَ الحُقوقِ والقوانينِ الإغريقية، وذلك بحسبِ المؤلِّفِ «محمد محسن البرازي» الذي يُحدِّثُنا في هذه المحاضراتِ عَنِ الحُقوقِ في الإمبراطوريةِ الرومانية، مُتتبِّعًا تَطورَها عبرَ أربعةِ عُهودٍ تاريخيةٍ مختلفة، ومُستعرِضًا أهمَّ المصادرِ التي استُمِدتْ منها هذِهِ الحُقوق، بالإضافةِ إلى إيجازِ أحوالِ الدولةِ الرومانيةِ في كلِّ حِقبةٍ على حِدَة، بالإضافةِ إلى الحديثِ بإسهابٍ عَنِ الحُقوقِ الشخصيةِ بشكلٍ عامٍّ وتَقسيماتِها المختلفة.

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