مخطوطات البحر الميت وجماعة قُمران

مخطوطات البحر الميت وجماعة قُمران pdf


Assad Rostam









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Asad Rustam: Historian Lebanese great impact, is the pioneer of documentation in the Levant, and the most prominent of put scientific methodology in the writing of history in Arabic without being subject to prior biases, as it first earned the title of «Doctor of history» in the Arab world from the University of Chicago . “Asad Gabriel Rustam Mojaes” was born in the village of Shwer in Lebanon in 1896 AD, he studied at the English School in the same village, then joined the Oriental College in Zahle in the Lebanese Bekaa Governorate, where you attended the High School in Shuwayn in 1919. In 1916, Assad Rostom joined the American University of Beirut, to obtain a bachelor's degree in the field of history in which he completed his studies until he was awarded the title of Professor in History in 1919 AD, and for his genius he was granted a mission to study the ancient history of the United States of Chicago, Chicago Beirut again, after obtaining a doctorate in the same field, to teach history at the Faculty of Arts at the American University. After spending twenty years teaching history, he left the university to work as an advisor at the American Embassy in Beirut, and then as an advisor to the Lebanese Army Command. He specialized in writing on the history of the ancient East, and published two volumes under the name “The Romans in Their Politics, Civilization, Religion, Culture and Relationships with the Arabs” in 1955 AD. He also authored a detailed book in three parts on the history of the Eastern Church to which the Greek Orthodox belongs, under the name “The History of the Church of the Great City of Antioch”, published in 1958 AD, after which he was honored with the title of “History of the Antakya” 6, then the President of the Republic honored him in the year 19. Asad Rustam has proven that he differs from his generation of historians, and even from previous generations, with his scientific method, which he followed in writing history without merging the whims of searching for information, and in an intrusive way. He was awarded the Egyptian Medal of Knowledge and the Syrian Medal of Merit. In 1965, Asad Rostom passed away, leaving behind a rare historical library and a style of history to be emulated. After his death, he was awarded the Golden Lebanese Order of Merit.

Book Description

مخطوطات البحر الميت وجماعة قُمران pdf by Assad Rostam

يَعرض «أسد رستم» في هذا الكتاب رحلةَ اكتشاف مخطوطات «قُمران» التي تُعَد من أهمِّ مخطوطاتِ العهد القديم وأقدمِها؛ حيث يرجع تاريخُها إلى القرن الثاني قبل الميلاد. كُتِبت هذه المخطوطات بالعِبرية والآرامية واليونانية، وحُفِظت داخل جِرارٍ فَخَّارية لحمايتها من التلف، واكتُشِفت عام ١٩٤٧م على يدِ بدويٍّ رحَّال، كان يبحث عن شاتِه الضالة في صحراء «قُمران». وتُعَد هذه المخطوطاتُ قيِّمةً علميًّا وتاريخيًّا؛ لما تَحْويه من قُصاصاتٍ مُتفرِّقة مُتعلِّقة بأسفار العهد القديم، ونسخةٍ مُفصَّلة من آداب السلوك التي تعود في أغلب الآراء إلى «طائفة الأسينيين»؛ وهي إحدى الطوائف اليهودية التي عاشت طويلًا في كهوفٍ بوادي «قُمران» المطل على شواطئ البحر الميت، وكانت أكثرَ الطوائف اليهودية تَطهُّرًا؛ حيث نأَتْ بنفسها عن كل مَلذَّات الدنيا ومَطامِعها وشهواتها، في انتظار الخلاص القريب بظهور المسيح الموعود.

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