रिच डैड पुअर डैड

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Robert T. Kiyosaki is a renowned American businessman, author, and motivational speaker, best known for his bestselling book, "Rich Dad Poor Dad." Born on April 4, 1947, in Hilo, Hawaii, Kiyosaki is a fourth-generation Japanese-American, and his childhood experiences greatly influenced his work.

Kiyosaki's early career was in the military, where he served as a helicopter gunship pilot in the Vietnam War. After his service, he returned to Hawaii, where he began his journey in business and entrepreneurship. Over the years, Kiyosaki has founded several successful businesses, including a nylon wallet company and a skateboard manufacturing company.

However, it was Kiyosaki's book, "Rich Dad Poor Dad," published in 1997, that brought him worldwide recognition. The book presents Kiyosaki's personal experiences and financial education he received from two father figures - his biological father, who was an educated and successful government employee, and his best friend's father, who was an entrepreneur and investor. Kiyosaki compares and contrasts the two different approaches to financial success and argues that the traditional path of education and a stable job is not the key to wealth and success.

The book became an instant bestseller, and it has since sold over 32 million copies worldwide, translated into 51 languages. It has inspired numerous other books and has influenced millions of people worldwide to rethink their approach to money and wealth.

Kiyosaki has authored many other books, including "Cashflow Quadrant," "Rich Dad's Guide to Investing," and "The Business of the 21st Century." His books are known for their simple and straightforward writing style, making complex financial concepts easily understandable to the average reader.

In addition to writing, Kiyosaki is a successful entrepreneur, investor, and motivational speaker. He has been a guest on several talk shows and has appeared on many financial and business shows. Kiyosaki is also a strong advocate of financial education and has founded several companies and organizations that aim to provide financial education to people of all ages.

Despite his critics, Kiyosaki's work has been influential in the world of finance and has helped many people to achieve financial independence. He continues to inspire and motivate people worldwide to rethink their approach to money, investing, and entrepreneurship.

Book Description

रिच डैड पुअर डैड pdf by Robert T. Kiyosaki

क्या आप धन और वित्तीय स्वतंत्रता की तलाश में हैं? क्या आप अपनी नौकरी और अपने बॉस से थक गए हैं जो आप पर कार्यों का बोझ डालता है? क्या आपको लगता है कि आपकी नौकरी के लायक पैसा पर्याप्त नहीं है और उपलब्ध नहीं है, और आपका वेतन जितना अधिक होगा, आपके कर्ज और खर्च उतने ही अधिक होंगे? क्या आपने 21वीं सदी की गुलामी के बारे में सुना है? क्या आप जानते हैं कि आप अभी भी गरीब हैं? दूर तक? रॉबर्ट कियोसाकी रिच डैड पुअर डैड: व्हाट द रिच टीच देयर चिल्ड्रेन दैट मिडिल क्लास पेरेंट्स नॉट टीच लिखने में आपके पैमानों को बढ़ाएंगे। यह पुस्तक - अमीर बनने के लिए उच्च आय की आवश्यकता के मिथक को दूर करती है। आम धारणा को चुनौती देता है कि आपका घर एक संपत्ति है। माता-पिता को दिखाता है कि कैसे वे अपने बच्चों को पैसे की प्रकृति सिखाने के लिए स्कूल प्रणाली पर भरोसा नहीं कर सकते हैं। - बहुत स्पष्ट रूप से परिभाषित करता है कि संपत्ति क्या है और देनदारियां क्या हैं? - यह आपको सिखाता है कि आप अपने बच्चों को पैसे के बारे में क्या सिखाते हैं, ताकि वे एक सफल वित्तीय भविष्य प्राप्त कर सकें

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