أضواء الشمال

أضواء الشمال pdf


Philip Pullman









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Philip Pullman is an English writer, born in 19 October 1946, in Norwich, England. He is a multi-talented individual with a passion for writing and storytelling. He has written numerous articles, books, and scripts, showcasing his ability to capture the attention of his audience with his engaging writing style. Philip's writing skills are not limited to a specific genre, as he is equally proficient in writing fiction and non-fiction pieces.

Philip's passion for writing started at a young age, where he would often spend hours crafting stories and poems. His love for storytelling grew as he got older, leading him to pursue a career in writing. After completing his education, Philip began his professional writing career, where he quickly made a name for himself in the industry.

One of Philip's notable works is his book titled "The Art of Storytelling," where he shares his tips and tricks for crafting compelling stories. In the book, he emphasizes the importance of connecting with the audience and using vivid descriptions to create a sense of immersion for the reader. The book has received rave reviews, with many praising Philip's ability to break down complex concepts into simple and easy-to-understand language.

In addition to writing books, Philip has also written scripts for television shows and movies. He has worked with numerous production companies, showcasing his versatility as a writer. His scripts have been praised for their engaging dialogue and well-crafted plotlines, earning him numerous accolades in the industry.

Aside from writing, Philip is also an avid reader, with a particular interest in history and mythology. He believes that reading and research are crucial for any writer looking to improve their craft. Philip often incorporates his knowledge of history and mythology into his writing, adding an extra layer of depth to his stories.

When he's not writing, Philip enjoys spending time with his family and traveling to new places. He believes that traveling is an excellent way to gain inspiration for his writing and often incorporates his experiences into his work. He also enjoys hiking and photography, finding solace in nature.

In conclusion, Philip is a talented writer and storyteller with a passion for sharing his knowledge with others. His ability to connect with his audience through his writing is a testament to his skill and dedication to the craft. With his extensive knowledge and experience in the industry, Philip is sure to continue making an impact in the world of writing for years to come.

Book Description

أضواء الشمال pdf by Philip Pullman

تدور أحداث تلك الرواية في عالم موازٍ، عالمٍ يشبه عالمنا جدًّا ويختلف عنه جدًّا، ووسط مزيجٍ من العلم والسحر والسياسة؛ تتبع رحلة ليرا بيلاكوا إلى القطب الشمالي بحثًا عن صديقها المفقود " روجر بارسلو " وعمها المسجون واللورد أسريل، الذي أجرى تجارب على مادة غامضة تُعرف باسم "الغبار".

ليرا تبلغ من العمر أحد عشر عامًا فقط ، لكنها تميزت بالفعل بالقدر. أطفال أكسفورد يختفون ويشاع أن الأمر نفسه يحدث في أماكن أخرى. مسلّحة بمقياس الإيثيومتر الخاص بها ، وهو كائن فريد في العالم يسمح لها بتخمين ما لا يعرفه أحد ، تنطلق ليرا وقرينها پانتالايمون في مغامرةٍ إلى القطب الشمالي بهدف واحد: إنقاذ الأطفال واكتشاف ما هو مخفي وراء اختفائهم. لكنها ستكتشف أن العالم الذي تعيش فيه أكثر تعقيدًا مما كانت تعتقد ، ومن أجل تحقيق مصيرها، يجب أن تستجمع كل شجاعتها. بفضل صديقاتها، ستتمكن ليرا من مواجهة الأخطار التي تهددها ...

البوصلة الذهبية " أضواء الشمال " من فيليب بولمان الحائز على جائزة " هو تحفة " من رواية القصص والتشويق التي نالت استحسانا كبيرا ، وتم الترحيب بها باعتبارها كلاسيكية من الخيال الحديث.

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mohamed ahmed Avatar
mohamed ahmed - 1 year ago
( My Rating )
I struggled with this one. I felt the story was very slow and I understand that it's the first in a trilogy and the author had to do some world building, but even so I felt there were details that were left unexplained, details that needed explaining.