الأعمال الشعرية الكاملة- أحمد مطر

الأعمال الشعرية الكاملة- أحمد مطر Novel pdf


Ahmed Matar









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An Iraqi poet, born in 1954, the fourth son of ten brothers of boys and girls, in the village of Al-Tanuma, one of the Shatt Al-Arab districts in Basra. He lived there as a child, before his family moved when he was young, to live across the river in the locality of Al-Asma’i. At the age of fourteen, Matar began writing poetry, and his first poems did not go beyond the scope of flirtation and romance, but soon the secrets of the conflict between the authority and the people were revealed to him, so he threw himself In an early period of his life, in the circle of fire, where he did not compel himself to remain silent, nor to wear wedding clothes at the funeral, he entered the political fray by participating in public celebrations by reciting his poems from the podium, and these poems in their beginnings were long, reaching more than From a hundred homes, charged with a high force of incitement, and centered on the citizen's attitude to power that does not leave him to live. Such a situation could not pass peacefully, which forced the poet, in the end, to bid farewell to his homeland and the fields of his youth and head to Kuwait, fleeing from the pursuit of the authority. In Kuwait, he worked in Al-Qabas newspaper as a cultural editor and also worked as a teacher for elementary grades in a private school, and he was at that time in his mid-twenties, where he continued to write down his poems, which he took to himself so as not to exceed one topic, even if the whole poem came in one verse. And he began hoarding these poems as if he was writing his diary in his personal diary, but soon it made its way to publication, and "Al-Qabas" was the hole through which he pulled his head, and blessed his suicidal poetic breakthrough, and recorded his banners without fear, and contributed to its dissemination among readers. In 1986, he settled Ahmed Matar in London, to spend the long years, miles and miles away from the homeland, close to him within a stone's throw, in a struggle with nostalgia and disease, entrenching the letters of his will in every banner he raises. It is currently published in the Qatari newspaper Al-Raya under the "Signs" and "Human Garden" corner, in addition to articles in "Friday Break". Among his books of poems, hadiths of doors, poetry of censors, rulers of the land, heirs of Satan, years of strife, the corpse is a tear on the body of freedom, the accursed Sultan

Book Description

الأعمال الشعرية الكاملة- أحمد مطر novel pdf by Ahmed Matar

أحمد مطر شاعر عراقي الجنسية ولد سنة 1954 ابناً رابعاً بين عشرة أخوة من البنين والبنات، في قرية التنومة، إحدى نواحي شط العرب في البصرة. وعاش فيها مرحلة الطفولة قبل أن تنتقل أسرته وهو في مرحلة الصبا، لتقيم عبر النهر في محلة الأصمعي. وفي سن الرابعة عشرة بدأ مطر يكتب الشعر، ولم تخرج قصائده الأولى عن نطاق الغزل والرومانسية، لكن سرعان ماتكشّفت له خفايا الصراع بين السُلطة والشعب،فألقى بنفسه في فترة مبكرة من عمره، في دائرة النار، حيث لم تطاوعه نفسه على الصمت، ولا على ارتداء ثياب العرس في المأتم، فدخل المعترك السياسي من خلال مشاركته في اللاحتفالات العامة بإلقاء قصائده من على المنصة، وكانت هذه القصائد في بداياتها طويلة، تصل إلى أكثر من مائة بيت، مشحونة بقوة عالية من التحريض، وتتمحور حول موقف المواطن من سُلطة لاتتركه ليعيش. ولم يكن لمثل هذا الموقف أن يمر بسلام، الأمر الذي اضطرالشاعر، في النهاية، إلى توديع وطنه ومرابع صباه والتوجه إلى الكويت، هارباً من مطاردة السُلطة. يجد كثير من الثوريين في العالم العربي والناقمين على الأنظمة مبتغاهم في لافتات أحمد مطر حتي أن هناك من يلقبه بملك الشعراء ويقولون إن كان أحمد شوقي هو أمير الشعراء فأحمد مطر هو ملكهم. دواوينه: لافتات1 - 1984م لافتات2 - 1987م لافتات3 - 1989م لافتات4 - 1993م إني مشنوق أعلاه - 1989م ديوان الساعة 1989م لافتات5 - 1994م لافتات6 - 1997م لافتات7 - 1999م لافتات متفرقة لم تنشر في ديوان بعد

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