التوحد أسبابه - خصائصه - تشخيصه - علاجه

التوحد أسبابه - خصائصه - تشخيصه - علاجه pdf








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Sawsan Shaker Majeed, Professor Dr. Sawsan Shaker Majeed Al-Chalabi, Iraqi nationality University degrees • Bachelor's degree in educational statistics / College of Arts / Al-Mustansiriya University 1976. • Master's degree in (Measurement and Evaluation) / College of Education / University of Baghdad 1982. • A PhD in Measurement and Evaluation / College of Education / University of Baghdad 1987. • Postdoctoral research grant from the American Scientific Research Institute (TARII) at the University of Chicago 2006. • Postdoctoral research grant from the American Scientific Research Institute (TARII) at the University of Chicago 2007. • Postdoctoral research grant from the International Institute for Education IIE in Washington, 2008. Research Assistant / Higher Literacy Council / Research and Studies Department 1976-1982. - Member of the teaching staff at the Central Teachers Institute / Department of Special Education 1982-1991. - Member of the Iraqi National Council / Education, Culture and Youth Committee / 1989-1995 - Faculty member in... Continue reading Quotes by Sawsan Shaker Majeed All the books of Sawsan Shaker Majeed :: (1 book) Autism causes - characteristics - diagnosis - treatment Autism Causes - Characteristics - Diagnosis - Treatment FoulaBook Subscribe to the mailing list of our site and receive new books that are presented directly to your e-mail Enter your e-mail Contact us Publish with us [email protected] Download our Android application FoulaBook Our Facebook page Useful links Our mission Book Index Copyright Policy Privacy Series and encyclopedias ... If you see a book that has copyright, please inform us immediately 2021 © All rights reserved About Sawsan Shaker Majid Sawsan Shaker Majeed Sawsan Shaker Majeed Professor Dr. Sawsan Shaker Majid Chalabi Iraqi Nationality University degrees • Bachelors in Educational Statistics / College of Arts / Al-Mustansiriya University 1976. • Master's degree in (Measurement and Evaluation) / College of Education / University of Baghdad 1982. • A PhD in Measurement and Evaluation / College of Education / University of Baghdad 1987. • Postdoctoral research grant from the American Scientific Research Institute (TARII) at the University of Chicago 2006. • Postdoctoral research grant from the American Scientific Research Institute (TARII) at the University of Chicago 2007. • Postdoctoral research grant from the International Institute for Education IIE in Washington, 2008. Research Assistant / Higher Literacy Council / Research and Studies Department 1976-1982. - Member of the teaching staff at the Central Teachers Institute / Department of Special Education 1982-1991. - Member of the Iraqi National Council / Committee on Education, Culture and Youth / 1989-1995 - Member of the teaching staff in the Department of Educational Guidance / College of Education / Al-Mustansiriya University 1992-1998. Dean of the College of Girls / Hadhramout University of Science and Technology for the academic year 1998-1999. - Director of the Total Quality Assessment and Accreditation Department in the Supervisory and Scientific Assessment Authority / Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research 1999-2003. - Professor of Measurement and Evaluation at the College of Education / Ibn Al-Haytham / University of Baghdad / Department of Education and Psychology 2003-2006. - Expert in the Federation of Arab Universities in the field of quality assurance and academic accreditation 2006-2010, in addition to being a faculty member at Ibn Al-Haytham College of Education / University of Baghdad. - UNESCO Quality Assurance Consultant 2010 supervised many postgraduate students, participated in many conferences, and has more than 120 research papers.

Book Description

التوحد أسبابه - خصائصه - تشخيصه - علاجه pdf by Sawsan Shaker Majeed

جاء هذا الكتاب ليركز بالدرس والتمحيص على فئة أطفال التوحد وخاصة حينما نعلم أن أعدادهم في ازدياد كبير، وأن أسر هؤلاء الأطفال بحاجة إلى الاسترشاد والتوجيه فيما يتعلق بالاعرف على أسباب هذه الإعاقة ومشكلات أبنائهم وأساليب الرعاية والتربية والتعليم. أما معلمو ومعلمات التربية الخاصة فسيجدون في هذا الكتاب عونا لهم في التعرف على أطفال التوحد وخصائصهم الجسمية والعقلية والنفسية والاجتماعية ومحاولة فهم سلوكهم والمشكلات المتعلقة بهم والأساليب النفسية والتربوية في تنمية مهارات أطفال التوحد وطرائق العلاج. كما يمكن أن تستفيد من هذا االكتاب الجمعيات والمعاهد التعليمية المهتمة برعاية الأطفال ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة، حيث يوفر لهم لمعلومات الأساسية في مجال التوحد الطفولي.

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