الثلج يأتي من النافذة

الثلج يأتي من النافذة pdf


Hanna Mina









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A Syrian novelist, born in the city of Latakia on March 9, 1924. He contributed to the establishment of the Syrian Writers Association and the Arab Writers Union. Hanna Mina is one of the great writers of the Arabic novel. His novels are realistic. The literary beginning was modest. It included writing petitions for the government, then writing articles and small news for newspapers in Syria and Lebanon, then developing into writing large articles and short stories. He sent his first stories to the Syrian newspapers in Damascus. After the independence of Syria, he started looking for work, and in 1947 he settled in the capital, Damascus, and worked in the Damascus newspaper Al-Inshaa until he became its editor-in-chief. His literary life began by writing a Don Quixote play, and unfortunately it was lost from his library, so he was tempted to write for the theater. He wrote many novels and stories after that, which exceeded 30 long literary novels other than short stories, including several novels dedicated to the sea, which he adored and loved. He wrote short stories at the beginning in the forties of the twentieth century He published it in Damascene newspapers he was writing to. His first long novel that she wrote was (The Blue Lamps) in 1954. His creations and writings followed after that. It is noteworthy that many of Hanna Mina’s novels were turned into Syrian films and television series. He contributed greatly to the establishment of the Arab Writers Union, and in the Conference for the Preparation of the Arab Union held in Bludan Resort in Syria in 1956, Hanna Mina had a clear role in calling for the creation and establishment of an Arab Union for Writers, and the Arab Writers Union was established in 1969 and Hanna Mina was one of its founders. Hanna Mina is a father of five children, including two boys, Salim, who died in the fifties, in conditions of struggle, deprivation and misery, and the other, Saad, the youngest of his children, a successful and well-known actor now. He participated in the TV series "The End of a Brave Man", based on his father's novel, and in the famous series (Al-Jawareh) and (Al-Tair), and participated in several Syrian series. He has three daughters: Salwa (a doctor), Sawsan (who holds a French literature degree), and Amal (an engineer). civilian). Most of his novels revolve around the sea and its people, an indication of his influence on the lives of sailors during his life in Latakia. blue lamps sail and storm eagle white ebony sailor tale end brave man snow comes from the window sun on a cloudy day remains of swamp images pluck spring and autumn blue dove in the clouds

Book Description

الثلج يأتي من النافذة pdf by Hanna Mina

ويغني... غنّ يا رفيقي، غنّ من أجل الذين هناك غنّ... والذين هناك يغنون والدرب طويل... أيها السائرون عليه، ارفعوا رؤوسكم، غنوا رغم السياط غنوا، رغم السلاسل غنوا لا تخافوا الحياة... الحياة تقتل من يخافها...". وحنّا مينة كأنه في روايته يغني لأولئك السائرون على الدرب الطويل يغني حكاية فياض الذي أضحى رماداً في لحظة من لحظات انبعاث القوة المتفجرة من بركان أحلام الوطن... نسجها حنّا مينه صور وصور؛ بلال مارد الإيمان في وجه أقزام الجاهلية... وحسن خراط حارس دمشق والرجعيون الذين يحكمون ولسوف ينتهي حكمهم ولأجل ذلك عمل فياض ولأجل ذلك كتب... ولأجل ذلك في القبو صار وفي القبو نام، وفي صدره حطوا بنادقهم... وفي يديه حطوا سلاسلهم. وفي جسمه زرعوا مشارطهم، ولم يفتح فمه بشيء "لا أعرف" اليوم تموت وغداً تموت، والخوف يموت، ثم لا شيء والدرب يطول والعزم يطول... والدنيا من حوله صمت، والثلج وحده يأتي من النافذة... والبرد هنا. والغرفة بكل ما فيها تصرخ في وجهه البرد يا فياض ليس من الثلج... البرد من القرية وبين الصخور راح شبح يتسلل نفس الطريق قبل عامين وإنما بالعكس... سلاماً يا أرض... وانحنى فقبل التراب... ووقف فاستقبل دمشق أغمض عينيه على هناءة الراحة بعد التعب؛ أبداً فياض لن يهرب بعد الآن... أبداً لن يهرب بعد الآن"... هل كتب حنَّا مينة رواية... أم أنها فلسفة الحياة جرت متدفقة في معانيه نبضها ظلم وقضية وانتصار.

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