الحياة والحركة الفكرية في بريطانيا

الحياة والحركة الفكرية في بريطانيا pdf









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Ahmed Mohamed Hassanein Pasha, an Egyptian politician, traveler and athlete, was the head of the royal court during the reign of King Farouk. Hassanein Pasha was born in 1889 to a father who was a scholar of Al-Azhar, and received a traditional religious education in his childhood; Where he memorized many of the surahs of the Noble Qur’an and recited many interpretations to his father. He also memorized some poems of ancient Arabic poetry; Which reflected on his literary style and provided him with a distinctive heritage repertoire. After that, he joined the Khedivial School, which was limited to the elite, and then traveled to "England", where he completed his education at the University of "Oxford". In addition to his academic excellence and moral excellence, he excelled in the field of swordsmanship. He won several championships in this sport, the most important of which is the Oxford University Championship. He also participated in the Olympic Games in 1912, as the first Arab to enter these competitions. Hassanein Pasha was a lover of adventure and experience, as he wanted to be a pilot in his youth, so he himself flew a plane from England to Italy, and tried to fly to Egypt, but he did not succeed. He also had a passion for the desert, exploring and migrating to it, so he traveled on two expeditions to the deserts of Libya, in which he collected many scientific observations about the nature and customs of the tribes and Bedouins who inhabit that desert. He also collected some rock samples in order to study that desert geologically. He was also credited with discovering some desert oases in Egypt, such as the Arkino and Owainat oases, and wrote a book about them in English called: “Lost Oases.” Hasnain Pasha held several high-ranking government posts; He worked as an assistant inspector at the Ministry of Interior, as well as a secretary to King Fouad, as well as the owner of the mission that traveled with King Farouk while he was studying abroad. When Farouk assumed power, Hassanein Pasha became head of the royal court. He died in 1946 in a mysterious murder, who was responsible for him, although suspicions arose about some members of the royal family.

Book Description

الحياة والحركة الفكرية في بريطانيا pdf by Ahmed Mohamed Hassanein Pasha

لا يمكن إنكار فضل الحضارة الرومانية القديمة وما قدَّمَتْه لمسيرة الثقافة الإنسانية؛ حيث كانت أعمال الروَّاد القدامى من الفلاسفة والمفكرين والعلماء الذين نبغوا في «أثينا» وحواضر الثقافة الباعثَ الرئيسيَّ لأوروبا العصورِ الوسطى التي بدأت نهضتها من «إيطاليا» ثم لحقت «إنجلترا» و«فرنسا» بمواكب النور والحضارة فاشتعلت بين البلدين منافسة حميدة على الريادة العقلية والعلمية لقرون، فأُنشئت فيهما الجامعات ومُوِّلَت الأبحاث العلمية والرِّحلات الاستكشافية من أصحاب الحَظْوة السياسية، وإذا تحدثنا عن النموذج البريطاني الإنجليزي كمثال، نجد أن مؤسساته الجامعية والعلمية قد قدمت الكثير والكثير من الإنجازات العلمية والفكرية؛ فكانت ولا تزال الجزر البريطانية قبلة طلاب العلم والباحثين من كل بلاد العالم، والكتاب الذي بين يديك يرصد فيه كوكبةٌ من علماء ومفكري مصر الحياةَ الفكريةَ والعلميةَ البريطانيةَ وأسسَ نجاحها ونقاطَ قوَّتها.

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