السيرة النبوية - دروس وعبر

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Mustafa bin Hosni al-Sibai is the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood movement in Syria. He was born in the city of Homs in Syria in 1915. He grew up in an ancient scientific family known for science and scholars for hundreds of years. His father and grandfathers took up the rhetoric in the Great Mosque of Homs, generation after generation. He was influenced by his father, Sheikh Hosni. Al-Sibai, who had well-known stances against the French colonizer, went in 1933 to Egypt to study at Al-Azhar, and there in 1941 he participated in the demonstrations against the British occupation. Three months later, he was transferred to Sarafand detention center in Palestine, where he remained for four months, then he was released on bail. During his studies in Egypt, al-Sibai met the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hassan al-Banna, and the relationship between them remained after his return to Syria, where scholars, preachers and men of Islamic societies met in the Syrian governorates and decided to unite their ranks and work as one group, and thus the Muslim Brotherhood was established from them for the whole of the Syrian country. This meeting was attended by Said Ramadan from Egypt, and that was in 1942, then three years later in 1945, Mustafa al-Sibai was chosen to be the first general observer of the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria. In Homs against French policy, he was arrested again by the French as well because of the sermons he was giving against French policy and the French occupation. He also participated in the Palestine War in 1948, where he led the Syrian battalion in 1947. He established the newspaper (Al-Manar) until it was suspended by Hosni al-Zaim after the military coup in 1949. In 1955, he founded, with others, the weekly (Al-Shehab) magazine, which continued to be published until the establishment of the union with Egypt in 1958 in the same year, i.e. 1955. It stopped in Egypt and continued to be published in Damascus until 1958, when it moved to its owner Saeed Ramadan in Geneva, Switzerland. Al-Sibai issued in its place the monthly “Civilization of Islam” magazine. Al-Sibai remained based on this magazine until he died, where it was issued by Muhammad Adib Al-Saleh in Damascus, and Al-Sibai was also elected as a deputy On behalf of Damascus in the Constituent Assembly in 1949, then he was elected Vice-President of the Council, and a member of the Constitution Committee consisting of 9 members. In 1950, he was appointed as a professor at the Faculty of Law at the Syrian University.

Book Description

السيرة النبوية - دروس وعبر pdf by Mustafa Al-Sebaei

تحميل كتاب السيرة النبوية - دروس وعبر pdf الكاتب مصطفى السباعي هذه صفحات مشرقة في سيرة النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، كتبها د.مصطفى السباعي، أراد بها أن يحيي نفوس طلبة كلية الشريعة وطالباتها، وأن يحملهم، ويحمل من ورائهم جميع شباب الإسلام ودعاته "على أن يتعشقوا دراسة سيرة النبي الطاهرة، وأن يأخذوا من معانيها ودروسها ما يجعلهم قدوة للناس في استقامتهم وصلاح سيرتهم". وقد سرد السباعي سيرة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم سرد المؤرخين، ولم يجادل في جوانبها فعل الفقهاء والمتكلمين لأنه أنظر فيها أولاً وقبل كل شيء، بعين الداعية الخبيرة الذي يرى في سيرة النبي العظيم الأسوة الحسنة لكل الدعاة والمصلحين. ولأهمية هذا الكتاب وحتى يتمكن عامة المسلمين من الاضطلاع على مضمونه وقراءة ما في معاني السيرة من دروس وعبر تمّ تسجيل محتويات هذا الكتاب ضمن "أشرطة كاسيت" عددها 6 أشرطة ومدتها 400 دقيقة صوتية. احتوى الشريط الأول منها على الوقائع التاريخية ودروسها في حياته صلى الله عليه وسلم قبل البعثة ومنذ البعثة حتى الهجرة إلى الحبشة، ثم الهجرة إلى المدينة واستقراره فيها صلى الله عليه وسلم. أما الشريط الثاني فاحتوى على الوقائع التاريخية لمعارك الرسول الحربية (بدر-أُحد-بنو النضير). وفي الشريط الثالث تمّ سرد وقائع معركة الأحزاب-الحديبية-خيبر-مؤتة-فتح مكة-حنين-تبوك. وفي الشريط الرابع تمّ جمع الدروس والعظات المستفادة من معاركه الحربية، ومن الأحداث التي وقعت بعد فتح مكة ووفاته صلى الله عليه وسلم، أما الشريط الخامس. فاحتوى على تأريخ غزوة حنين. وفي الشريط السادس والأخير سرد لأهم الأحداث التي وقعت بعد فتح مكة إلى وفاة الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم: تحطيم الأصنام-غزوة تبوك، حجة الوداع، بعث أسامة، وفاة الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم.

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