بين الأسد الأفريقي والنمر الإيطالي: بحث تحليلي تاريخي ونفساني واجتماعي في المشكلة الحبشية الإيطالية

بين الأسد الأفريقي والنمر الإيطالي: بحث تحليلي تاريخي ونفساني واجتماعي في المشكلة الحبشية الإيطالية pdf


Mohammed Lotfi









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Mohamed Lotfy Gomaa: a writer, translator, and novelist, he was a polymath, fluent in many languages, and one of the leading Egyptian lawyers and political activists of his time. He was born in Alexandria in 1886 AD, to a middle-class family, and his nurse was Mrs. "Maluk Eid", the mother of Sheikh Sayyid Darwish, and he was his breast-feeding brother. At the beginning of his life, he joined the Coptic School in Tanta, then spent four years at the Amiri School, from which he obtained his primary certificate, then he moved to Cairo to obtain his secondary certificate from the Khedive School, and then traveled there to study, after which he obtained his degree in American philosophy, as well as to Beirut. Teachers school, and worked as a teacher for three years at the beginning of his life. He received his doctorate degree from the Faculty of Law in Lyon in France in 1912, after which he taught criminal law at the Egyptian University. A close friendship and agreement in political visions developed between him and the two national leaders, Mustafa Kamel and Muhammad Farid. Which prompted him without hesitation to join their side in the National Party, and their participation in the political struggle against colonialism, and his struggle was not limited to the kinetic level represented in political work and party activity, but it also extended to most of the Arab journalistic and intellectual ideas that he wrote in the intellectual and intellectual work that he wrote as well. Released in his time. He was an advocate of civilized dialogue and cooperation between nations in the field of work, culture and science. He was one of the advocates of free education, and demanded the establishment of social museums and memorials. He also developed the first dictionary of literary languages ​​in the secret labor community and pointed out the defects in the legal structure of the legal community. He chronicled Islamic philosophy, Sufism and its men. He has written many books in many fields of knowledge; Such as literature, philosophy and history, in addition to translating many famous books in Western civilization, such as the book “The Prince” by Machiavelli, “The Duty” by John Simon, “Plato’s Table” and other books. He suffered a stroke, which led to a long illness, and then passed away due to its complications.

Book Description

بين الأسد الأفريقي والنمر الإيطالي: بحث تحليلي تاريخي ونفساني واجتماعي في المشكلة الحبشية الإيطالية pdf by Mohammed Lotfi

عانت إثيوبيا «الحبشة قديمًا» — كما عانت دول القارة الأفريقية — من طمع العديد من الدول التي حاولت بسط نفوذها عليها؛ من أجل الاستفادة من موقعها المتميز؛ لذا كانت إثيوبيا جزءًا من الصراع الاستعماري بين الدول الكبرى، ولا سيما إيطاليا التي حاولت غزوها عام ١٨٨٨م، وتصدَّى لها الملك «منليك الثاني» (١٨٨٩م-١٩١٣م) — الذي يعد المؤسس الحقيقي لإثيوبيا — وألحق بها هزيمة ساحقة في «عدوة» عام ١٨٩٦م. ولم تُثنِ الهزيمة إيطاليا عن عزمها؛ فقامت في عهد «موسوليني» بغزو إثيوبيا مرة أخرى عام ١٩٣٦م، ضاربةً عُرْض الحائط بكل الاتفاقيات الدولية المبرمة بين الدولتين. وأثبتت الحرب ضعف «عصبة الأمم»، وعدم قدرتها على إيقاف العدوان عن إحدى دول العصبة. غير أن إيطاليا لم تنعم كثيرًا في مستعمرتها الجديدة، وخرجت منها مهزومة عام ١٩٤١م، وعاد الإمبراطور «هيلاسيلاسي» إلى عرشه.

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