تجاوز مستويات الوعي

تجاوز مستويات الوعي review








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David R. Hawkins was an American psychiatrist, author, and spiritual teacher. Born on June 3, 1927, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Hawkins received his medical degree from the Medical College of Wisconsin and completed his residency at the Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles. He then went on to practice psychiatry for over 50 years, during which time he developed a unique approach to mental health and personal growth.

Hawkins' approach was heavily influenced by his spiritual beliefs, which he integrated with his medical practice. He believed that consciousness was the key to personal growth and enlightenment, and that by raising our level of consciousness, we could overcome many of the challenges that we face in life.

In addition to his work as a psychiatrist, Hawkins was a prolific author, publishing numerous books on spirituality and personal growth. His most well-known work is the book "Power vs. Force", which explores the nature of consciousness and its impact on human behavior. The book has been translated into over 20 languages and has sold millions of copies worldwide.

Another one of Hawkins' popular books is "Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender". Published in 2012, this book is a guide to releasing negative emotions and attachments in order to achieve greater peace and happiness in life. Hawkins believed that the key to letting go was to embrace the present moment and to let go of our attachment to the past and our expectations for the future.

Throughout his career, Hawkins also developed a unique approach to measuring consciousness, which he called the "Map of Consciousness". This map assigns numerical values to different levels of consciousness, with higher levels representing greater states of awareness and personal growth.

Hawkins' work has been influential in the fields of psychiatry, spirituality, and personal growth. He has been praised for his innovative approach to mental health and for his insights into the nature of consciousness. Despite his passing in 2012, Hawkins' legacy continues to inspire and influence individuals seeking greater self-awareness and personal growth.

Book Description

تجاوز مستويات الوعي review by David R. Hawkins

لقد تم تقديم خارطة مستويات تقييم الوعي المعروفة على نطاقٍ واسع من خلال كتاب “القوة مقابل الإكراه” (الصادر عن دار الخيال)، وتمت ترجمتها إلى كل اللغات الرئيسية في العالم. وتلا ذلك أعمالٌ أخرى مثل: “عين الأنا” و”الأنا الواقعية والذاتية” (الصادران أيضًا عن دار الخيال)، والتي عملت على استكشاف مستويات الحقيقة التي تنعكس من خلال المجتمع. يرجع كتاب تجاوز مستويات الوعي إلى استكشاف تعابير الأنا والقيود المتأصّلة ويعطي توضيحاتٍ وتعليماتٍ مفصّلةً حول كيفيّة تجاوزها. مثلما هو الحال عليه عند قراءة كتب الدكتور هاوكينز السابقة عن الوعي، فإن مستوى الوعي لدى القرّاء يتحسّن كنتيجةٍ لاستعراض المعلومات بحد ذاتها، الأمر الذي يفتح السُّبل للارتياح من المعاناة من أجل الذات والآخرين، مما يحقّق الغاية من العمل والقصد بتسهيل التنوير الخاص للقرّاء.

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