سيرة صلاح الدين الأيوبي: المسمى النوادر السلطانية والمحاسن اليوسفية

سيرة صلاح الدين الأيوبي: المسمى النوادر السلطانية والمحاسن اليوسفية Book pdf









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Abu al-Mahasin Baha al-Din Ibn Shaddad: An Arab writer, he was a judge in the era of “Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi” and a historian of his period. Abu al-Mahasin Bahaa al-Din Yusuf bin Rafi’ bin Tamim bin Shaddad al-Asadi al-Mawsili was born in Mosul in 1145 AD. He was an orphan at a young age. His uncles, Banu Shaddad, raised him, and took his nickname from them for this reason. He learned the Qur’an and religious sciences since his childhood, then moved to Baghdad to gain more Islamic legal sciences such as hadith, interpretation, jurisprudence, literature, philosophy, speech sciences and language, so he joined the regular school, and then became a teacher there. After that, he returned to Mosul, and studied at the school founded by "Judge Kamal al-Din Muhammad ibn al-Shahrazouri", and proceeded to publish his books so that people knew him, and he became of great scholarly standing. Abu al-Mahasin ibn Shaddad passed on a pilgrimage to Aleppo and Damascus, and wrote about his trip. When “Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi” heard about this, he summoned him and demanded that he stay in Syria to make him a judge for the military, and the first judge of the city of Jerusalem after the victory of “Salah al-Din,” and a supervisor of endowments there; He became one of his most important men, and one of those close to him. King “Al-Zahir” then assigned him to the judiciary of Aleppo and its endowments, and assigned him a rank comparable to that of ministers. He is credited with building many schools and spreading knowledge in Aleppo, until it became a destination for students and scholars. He also assumed the scientific guardianship of the “Aziz” King since he was a child until he reached the age of majority. Ibn Shaddad has a collection of valuable books; Such as the book “Al-Anwadir al-Sultaniyya wa al-Mahasin al-Yousifi” in which he recounts the biography of “Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi”, a book “Dala’il al-Ahkam” in the science of hadith, a book “The Rulers’ Refuge when Judgments Are Confused” in Law, and the books “The Excellence of Jihad” and “The Brilliant Summary,” and The Stick” and “The Names of the Men Who Are in Al-Muhadhab by Shirazi.” Ibn Shaddad continued his prominent scholarly role until the last days of his life, despite his old age, until he died in 1234 AD in Aleppo.

Book Description

سيرة صلاح الدين الأيوبي: المسمى النوادر السلطانية والمحاسن اليوسفية book pdf by Abu Mahasin Bahaa Al-Din bin Shaddad

سيرة ذاتية وتاريخية عن حياة القائد «صلاح الدين الأيوبي»؛ يسرد فيها المؤرخ «ابن شداد» تفاصيل نشأة هذا القائد العظيم، وفتوحاته وأخلاقه التي جعلت منه أيقونة يُحْتَذَى بها. عاصر المؤلف «ابن شداد» فترة حكم «صلاح الدين الأيوبي»، وأرَّخ لهذه الفترة التاريخية الهامة؛ فبدأ المؤرخ بسرد أخبار عن مولده ونشأته في «تكريت»، ثم ذكر العديد من الأخبار التي تدل على سماحة أخلاقه وكرم طباعه؛ فكان يُعرف عنه الشجاعة والثبات في ميدان الحرب، وشغفه بالجهاد، وقد أنفق الكثير من ماله في إعداد الجيوش. ولعل من أشهر المواقف التي أظهرت مروءة «صلاح الدين الأيوبي» ما جرى أثناء حروبه ضد الصليبيين وتسامحه معهم بعد هزيمتهم وفتح «القدس». يجمع إليها المؤلِّف بين طيات هذا الكتاب العديد من الخبايا والنوادر التي حدثت بين الغزوات؛ والتي تؤرخ للفتوحات الأيوبية.

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