مذكرات لينين : عن الحروب الأوروبية ماضيها وحاضرها

مذكرات لينين : عن الحروب الأوروبية ماضيها وحاضرها pdf


Vladimir Lenin









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Vladimir Lenin: Russian politician and writer, leader of the Bolshevik Revolution, founder of the Soviet Communist Party, and proponent of the Leninist political doctrine that many countries followed in the twentieth century. His full name is "Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov", and his nickname is "Lenin" after the Siberian river "Lina". He was born in the Russian city of Simbirsk in 1870, to a father who works as a teacher and a mother who is a highly educated housewife, who was keen to spread the spirit of revolution in her five children. He showed ingenuity in school and special diligence, his father died at the age of sixteen, and his older brother was executed for attempted murder of Caesar. In the same year, Lenin obtained high school with distinction and then joined Kazan University, but was expelled from it for leading a movement to demand freedom within the university. After that, he succeeded in affiliation to Petersburg University on the condition that he only attend exams, from which he obtained a Bachelor of Laws in 1891 AD. “Lenin” practiced law immediately upon his graduation, and during that period he deepened his reading of Karl Marx, until he joined a Marxist group in Petersburg that he later led, then he met active Marxists in France, Germany and Switzerland, to be arrested after returning to Russia for a year under investigation, and then exiled to Siberia. Lenin spent his period of exile writing books, and the most important book he wrote there was: The Development of Capitalism in Russia. After the First World War, Lenin was accused of working for the Germans, but he managed to escape to Poland, and there he wrote his book “State and Revolution.” Then he called on the central body of the party to carry out a revolution. Russia is under their control, Lenin was elected Speaker of the People's Assembly, ended the war with Germany and abolished the individual monarchy. In addition to his political activity, “Lenin” was a philosopher and writer, and he authored up to forty-five books, which influenced important political figures after him, such as “Stalin” and “Guevara”. Lenin was shot in 1922, causing a stroke that killed him in 1924. His body was embalmed and buried on Red Square in Moscow, where tourists from his fans around the world go to his grave.

Book Description

مذكرات لينين : عن الحروب الأوروبية ماضيها وحاضرها pdf by Vladimir Lenin

أثارَتْ شخصية «فلاديمير لينين» صخبًا تاريخيًّا كبيرًا؛ ذلك المحامي الشاب الذي آمَنَ بالفكر الماركسي الثوري وسعى لِجعْله حقيقةً واقعة، فأسَّسَ المذهب اللينيني، ووهب حياته للدفاعِ عن الطبقات الكادحة من العُمال (البروليتاريا)، والثورةِ ضد استبداد الحكومة القيصرية المُتحالِفة مع أصحاب رءوس الأموال (البرجوازية)، مُستلهمًا تعاليمَ ومبادئ «كارل ماركس» و«فريدريك إنجلز». وقد عانى لينين من جرَّاء ذلك الكثير؛ حيث نُفِي إلى «سيبيريا»، وحتى بعد انتصار الثورة البلشفية وتمكُّنها من الحُكْم، لم يَسلم من محاولات الاغتيال، وظلَّ يُحارِب قوى الثورة المضادة. ويستعرض هذا الكتاب مراحلَ الثورة التي عاصَرَها لينين، وما سبقها من حربٍ بين روسيا القيصرية والإمبراطورية الألمانية، كما يطرح فيه المؤلِّف أفكارَه المتعلِّقة بالصراع الطَّبَقي ودَوْر الحكومات فيه، ويستعرض تجربةَ «مَشَاعية باريس» أو «كومونة باريس»؛ أول حكومة ثورية طبَّقَت الاشتراكيةَ في فرنسا.

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