مصر في مطلع القرن التاسع عشر ١٨٠١–١٨١١م (الجزء الثالث)

مصر في مطلع القرن التاسع عشر ١٨٠١–١٨١١م (الجزء الثالث) pdf









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Mohamed Fouad Shoukry is an Egyptian historian. His studies were characterized by their reliance on accurate and reliable information. Which gave it a great historical value. He was very interested in historical studies that serve national and Arab national issues, as well as national issues in Europe. He joined the Higher Teachers' House and graduated in 1927, and obtained a master's degree in modern history from the University of Liverpool in 1931, and a doctorate from the same university in 1935 on the subject of "Ismail and the slaves in Sudan". He taught at the Faculty of Arts, Cairo University for nearly a quarter of a century, in addition to being seconded as an inspector for secondary education at the Ministry of Education in 1941. Because of his valuable historical writings and opinions, the Egyptian delegation to the United Nations relied on him when the Egyptian-Sudanese issue was presented to the Security Council in 1947 AD. Libya also relied a lot on his papers in which he defended its cause valiantly, and demanded independence, and it was necessary and sought to achieve that. The British authorities expelled him from Libya in 1951 AD. He is the author of many books, including: “Egypt and Sudan: A History of the Nile Valley’s Political Unity 1820-1899 AD”, “Egyptian Rule in the Sudan”, “Senussi Religion and State”, “The Birth of the Modern State of Libya: Documents for Its Liberation and Independence”, and “ The French Campaign and the Exodus of the French from Egypt", "The Struggle between the Bourgeoisie and Feudalism 1789-1848AD", "Abdullah Jacques Mino", "Egypt and Sovereignty over the Sudan: The Historical Status of the Question", and "Nazi Germany". He passed away in 1963 AD, after suffering from a serious illness that had been battling it for more than three years.

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مصر في مطلع القرن التاسع عشر ١٨٠١–١٨١١م (الجزء الثالث) pdf by Mohamed Fouad Shoukry

شَهدَت مصرُ عقبَ خروجِ الفَرنسيِّين منها عامَ ١٨٠١م فوضى سياسيةً عارمةً تَجلَّت في التنافُسِ الشَّرسِ الذي احتدمَ بين فرنسا وإنجلترا والدولةِ العثمانيةِ والبكواتِ المماليك؛ لأجلِ بَسطِ نفوذِهم عليها، واستمرَّت هذه الفوضى قائمةً حتى تمكَّنَ «محمد علي» من تَولِّي مقاليدِ الحُكمِ إثرَ مبايَعةِ أعيانِ الشعبِ له واليًا على مِصرَ عامَ ١٨٠٥م. ومنذُ تلك اللحظة، ولأجلِ توطيدِ دعائمِ حُكمِه والبقاءِ في رأسِ السُّلطة، خاضَ «محمد علي» العديدَ من الحروبِ الداخليةِ والخارجية؛ حيث نجحَ بمشاركةِ المِصريِّين في التصدِّي لحملةِ «فريزر» عامَ ١٨٠٧م، ومن ثَمَّ إجلاءُ الإنجليزِ عن مِصر. بعدَها قامَ بالتخلُّصِ من عددٍ من الزعماءِ الشعبيِّين، وعلى رأسِهم السيدُ «عمر مَكرم» نقيبُ الأشراف؛ حيث نفاه عامَ ١٨٠٩م، وقضى على المماليكِ آخِرِ مُنافِسيه بالداخلِ في مَذبحةِ القلعةِ الشهيرةِ عامَ ١٨١١م.

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