Auf der Suche nach Schrödingers Katze: Quantenphysik und Wirklichkeit

Auf der Suche nach Schrödingers Katze: Quantenphysik und Wirklichkeit Book pdf


John Gribbin








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John Gribbin is a British science writer, an astrophysicist, and a visiting fellow in astronomy at the University of Sussex. His writings include quantum physics, human evolution, climate change, global warming, the origins of the universe, and biographies of famous scientists. He also writes science fiction. John Gribbin graduated with his bachelor's degree in physics from the University of Sussex in 1966. Gribbin then earned his Master of Science (MSc) degree in astronomy in 1967, also from the Univ. of Sussex, and he earned his PhD in astrophysics from the University of Cambridge (1971).
In 1968, Gribbin worked as one of Fred Hoyle's research students at the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy, and wrote a number of stories for New Scientist about the Institute's research and what were eventually discovered to be pulsars.
In 1974, Gribbin, along with Stephen Plagemann, published a book titled The Jupiter Effect, which predicted that the alignment of the planets in a quadrant on one side of the Sun on 10 March 1982 would cause gravitational effects that would trigger earthquakes in the San Andreas Fault, possibly wiping out Los Angeles and its suburbs Gribbin distanced himself from The Jupiter Effect in the 17 July 1980, issue of New Scientist magazine, stating that he had been "too clever by half".
In February 1982, he and Plagemann published The Jupiter Effect Reconsidered, claiming that the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption proved their theory true despite a lack of planetary alignment. In 1999, Gribbin repudiated it, saying "I don't like it, and I'm sorry I ever had anything to do with it.
In 1984, Gribbin published In Search of Schrödinger's Cat: Quantum Physics and Reality. The Spectator Book Club described it as among the best of the first wave of physics popularisations preceding Stephen Hawking's multi-million-selling A Brief History of Time.Gribbin's book was cited by BBC World News as an example of how to revive an interest in the study of mathematics.
In 2006, Gribbin took part in a BBC radio 4 broadcast as an "expert witness". Presenter Matthew Parris discussed with Professor Kathy Sykes and Gribbin whether Albert Einstein "really was a 'crazy genius'".
At the 2009 World Conference of Science Journalists, the Association of British Science Writers presented Gribbin with their Lifetime Achievement award.

Book Description

Auf der Suche nach Schrödingers Katze: Quantenphysik und Wirklichkeit book pdf by John Gribbin

Es ist schockierend, dass Einstein darauf nicht reagieren konnte, indem er die Quantentheorie akzeptierte, obwohl sie so wichtig ist, dass sie die grundlegende Grundlage für die gesamte moderne Wissenschaft lieferte, und ohne sie hätten wir keine Kernenergie, keine Atombombe, Laser, Fernseher usw Computer oder Molekularbiologie, DNA oder Gentechnik hätten wir nie verstanden. Jetzt erzählt uns John Gribbin die ganze Geschichte der Quantenmechanik, eine Tatsache, die seltsamer ist als Fiktion. Fesselnd und noch exotischer, erfordert nur, dass wir unvoreingenommen an sie herangehen. stellt die Wissenschaftler vor, die die Quantentheorie entwickelt haben, untersucht das Atom, Strahlung, Zeitreisen, die Geburt des Universums, Supraleiter und das Leben selbst, und in einer Welt voller Freuden, Geheimnisse und Überraschungen sucht Gribben nach „Schrödingers Katze“ – eine Suche für die Quantenwahrheit – und führt die Leser gleichzeitig zu einem klareren Verständnis des wichtigsten Wissenschaftsgebiets von heute, der Quantenphysik.

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