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Bret Easton Ellis (born March 7, 1964) is an American author, screenwriter, short-story writer, and director. Ellis was first regarded as one of the so-called literary Brat Pack and is a self-proclaimed satirist whose trademark technique, as a writer, is the expression of extreme acts and opinions in an affectless style. His novels commonly share recurring characters.
When Ellis was 21, his first novel, the controversial bestseller Less Than Zero (1985) ,was published. His third novel, American Psycho (1991), was his most successful. Upon its release the literary establishment widely condemned it as overly violent and misogynistic. Though many petitions to ban the book saw Ellis dropped by Simon & Schuster, the resounding controversy convinced Alfred A. Knopf to release it as a paperback later that year. Ellis's novels have become increasingly metafictional. Lunar Park (2005), a pseudo-memoir and ghost story, received positive reviews. Imperial Bedrooms (2010), marketed as a sequel to Less Than Zero, continues in this vein.
Four of Ellis's works have been made into films. Less Than Zero was adapted in 1987 as a film of the same name, but the film bore little resemblance to the novel. Mary Harron's adaptation of American Psycho was released in 2000. Roger Avary's adaptation of The Rules of Attraction was released in 2002. The Informers, co-written by Ellis and based on his collection of short stories, was released in 2008. Ellis also wrote the screenplay for the 2013 film The Canyons.

Book Description

Bianco pdf by Bret Easton Ellis

Sintesi di autobiografia e satira sociale, "Bianco" è una critica tanto affilata quanto spassosa di alcune delle piaghe che affliggono il nuovo secolo: l'ipocrisia elevata a galateo, il moralismo che sostituisce il giudizio estetico, la paura di esprimere un'opinione perché si finirebbe impallinati dai «giustizieri» dei social. E se quelle di Ellis non fossero solo provocazioni (o il cahier de doléances di un «maschio bianco» inconsapevole dei suoi privilegi), ma un invito a essere più sinceri, più autentici, a pensare con la propria testa senza preoccuparsi costantemente dell'opinione degli altri? Ellis non si accontenta di interpretazioni superficiali solo perché politically correct: "Bianco" è un'indagine senza sconti nel rimosso dello spirito del tempo.

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