Complete Stories and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe

Complete Stories and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe pdf


Edgar Allan Poe









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Edgar Allan Poe is a famous American poet and novelist. He possessed an extraordinary poetic and literary talent; He began reading and writing poetry when he was five years old, which surprised his teachers, and throughout his life, writing was his haven and haven. He began publishing his poetry since he was a conscript, under the pseudonym "Alan Berry", then continued his literary production. In addition to his poetry, he had a distinctive story production that made him a founding father of what was known as “Gothic horror literature,” which was replete with stories and stories. "Po" died a poor debtor at the age of forty in the year 1849 CE, two years after the death of his young wife, whom he loved so badly, because of his cruelty and pain.

Book Description

Complete Stories and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe pdf by Edgar Allan Poe

I am forced here to eco the thoughts and feelings of several other reviewers here, "what can you say? It's Poe." To do a critical analysis of this work, in particular by a non-Poe scholar such is myself, would be the height of arrogance on my part; pontificating on a subject of which so many, many others are more qualified would come across as, well...pompous and in many ways laughable. I seriously doubt if I could come up with bits of criticism or accolades others have not been hammering away at for the past one hundred years or so.
Poe though is one of my favorite short story authors and indeed, one of my favorite poets. I have been reading him for well over fifty years now and his work is as bright and fresh to me now as when it was first read to me as a child. There are a few things to note though, and a couple of comments the reader needs to be aware of concerning this particular edition.
First, this work has not been annotated nor has it been translated (French). I note that on this site and several others that this has thrown some into a hissy fit state. Good grief! This lack of translation does not distract from the story a bit. In addition, with the most simplest of computers it only takes a snap or two on the mouse to come up with the translation of not only French, but just about any other language you might come across...stop being so lazy! Having to research it yourself is the best way to learn! If you have problems understanding what he is writing of; again, there are literally thousands of sites that would love a visit from you...many of them are quite good! No computer? Not problem! They actually have books at your local library with the same information in them!
Secondly, I have noted that on this site and several others that there seems to be a bit of whining about Poe's vocabulary, i.e. he uses "big words." Folks, if you read 90 percent of the popular fiction books being cranked out today and pay very, very close attention, you will find that they have been dumbed down. They are ALL written at a 7th or 8th grade level! If you must use a dictionary a bit (which I fully and proudly admit to being forced to use each time I read Poe), then so much the better! Learning a new word and its usage is actually a good thing! I promise you that you will not suffer any permanent physical or mental damage.
Thirdly, I note that on this site and several others it has been mentioned, and again whine about the fact that Poe tends to use a prose style that is no longer is use. Good grief. I suppose we should have his entire works purged of such and bring it all up to date...Hey Reader's are falling down on the job! You are missing out on the chance to befoul yet another masterful bit of writing! This of all the complaints has to be the most asinine. I almost have to cry when I read such gibberish, yet at the same time feel a certain degree of pity for those that make such statements.
Fourthly, it should be noted that Poe is actually the Great Grand Daddy of the detective novel or short story and was at least a generation ahead of Doyle. There are some great detective stories in his body of work and should not be missed my any lover of this genre.
Fifthly, it may come as a shock to some, but Poe did write more than just "The Raven."
If you have not read should. If it has been years since you visited him...get off your duff and set down with a cup of tea, and your pipe, if so inclined to participate in that nasty habit, and do some rediscovering. If you are in school, i.e. of the younger set, read him. I promise you will learn much of writing, story telling, emotions and actually yourself.
Do yourself a big time favor and get a copy of this particular edition, or any other edition for that matter, and get reacquainted with this genius.

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