Cronica de una muerte anunciada

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Gabriel Garcia Marquez was a Colombian novelist, journalist, and screenwriter, widely considered one of the most important writers of the 20th century. He was born in 1927 in Aracataca, a small town in northern Colombia.

Garcia Marquez was raised by his grandparents, who had a profound influence on his life and writing. He studied law at the National University of Colombia in Bogota, but left before graduating to pursue a career in journalism.

In the 1950s and 60s, Garcia Marquez worked as a journalist in Colombia and Europe, covering topics such as politics, social issues, and culture. He also began writing fiction during this time, and published his first novel, "Leaf Storm," in 1955.

Garcia Marquez is perhaps best known for his novel "One Hundred Years of Solitude," which was published in 1967 and became a global phenomenon. The book is widely regarded as a masterpiece of magical realism, a genre that blends fantastical elements with reality.

Over the course of his career, Garcia Marquez wrote numerous novels, short stories, and non-fiction works. His other notable works include "Love in the Time of Cholera," "Chronicle of a Death Foretold," and "The Autumn of the Patriarch."

Garcia Marquez was also politically active throughout his life, and was a vocal critic of the Colombian government and its treatment of marginalized groups. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1982, in recognition of his contributions to the field of literature and his commitment to social justice.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez died in 2014 at the age of 87, leaving behind a legacy as one of the most important writers of the 20th century. His works continue to inspire and captivate readers around the world, and his influence on Latin American literature and culture cannot be overstated.

Book Description

Cronica de una muerte anunciada pdf by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Acaso sea Crónica de una muerte anunciada la obra más «realista» de Gabriel García Márquez, pues se basa en un hecho histórico acontecido en la tierra natal del escritor. Cuando empieza la novela, ya se sabe que los hermanos Vicario van a matar a Santiago Nasar, de hecho ya le han matado, para vengar el honor ultrajado de su hermana Ángela, pero el relato termina precisamente en el momento en el que Santiago Nasar muere. El tiempo cíclico, tan utilizado por García Márquez en sus obras, reaparece aquí minuciosamente descompuesto en cada uno de sus momentos, reconstruido prolija y exactamente por el narrador, que va dando cuenta de lo que sucedió mucho tiempo atrás, que avanza y retrocede en su relato y hasta llega mucho tiempo después para contar el destino de los supervivientes. La acción es, a un tiempo, colectiva y personal, clara y ambigua, y atrapa al lector desde un principio, a pesar de que conoce el desenlace de la trama. La dialéctica entre mito y realidad se ve potenciada aquí, una vez más, por una prosa tan cargada de fascinación que la eleva hasta las fronteras de la leyenda. Encuadernación: rústica con solapas.

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